Sunday, August 7, 2022

Imam Ali Condemnation Regarding Women

195 - Nahj al-Balagha: And from Imam Ali's Word: "O people! Women are deficient in Faith, deficient in shares and deficient in intelligence. As regards the deficiency in their Faith, it is their abstention from prayers and fasting during their menstrual period.

As regards deficiency in their intelligence it is because the evidence of two women is equal to that of one man. As for the deficiency of their shares that is because of their share in inheritance being half of men. So beware of the evils of women. Be on your guard even from those of them who are (reportedly) good. Do not obey them even in good things so that they may not attract you to evils." [Bihar al-Anwar, Volume 32, Page 247]

195 - نهج البلاغة: ومن كلام له (عليه السلام): [في بيان بعض شؤون النساء].
معاشر الناس إن النساء نواقص الايمان، نواقص الحظوظ، نواقص العقول.
فأما نقصان إيمانهن فقعودهن عن الصلاة والصيام في أيام حيضهن. وأما نقصان عقولهن فشهادة امرأتين منهن كشهادة الرجل الواحد.
وأما نقصان حظوظهن فمواريثهن على الانصاف من مواريث الرجال فاتقوا شرار النساء وكونوا من خيارهن على حذر، ولا تطيعوهن في المعروف حتى لا يطمعن في المنكر.

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