Thursday, August 11, 2022

He did not Inform You in Order to Save You

5. A number of our people has narrated from Ahmad ibn Muhammad Ibn Issah from Ali Ibn al-Hakam from Aban who has that al-Ahwal reported to him the following. “Zayd Ibn Ali Ibn al-Husayn (a.s.) sent called up on to meet him when he was in hiding. When I met him, Zayd said, “O Abu Ja‘far, what would say if someone will from us would come to you asking to join us? Will you rise up with him?” I said, “Would it be your father or brother I would have joined them.” He then said, “I want to rise up against these people. Come and join me.” I then said, “No, may God my soul of service to you.” He then said, “Is it that you keep yourself away from me?” I said, “ It is only one soul. If God's Proof [Hujjah] on earth exists, then those keeping away from you would have saved themselves and those joining you would have faced their destruction. If a Divine Proof [Hujjah] would not exist on earth then people joining and keeping away from would be the same.” He then said, “O Abu Ja‘far, I would sit with my father at the same table he would feed me chunky morsels and cool off for me the hot one out kindness and diligent care. Do you think he was not afraid for me from the fire of hell? So he has informed you about religion and did not inform me? I said, “ May God make my soul of service to you, it is also because of the kindness of your father to you that to save you from the Fire he did not inform you. He was afraid for you that after having the information you would ignore his guidance and so you become subject of Fire, He informed me also and if I would accept I will be safe and he would not have cared if I disobeyed and would enter the Fire. Then I told him, “May God make my soul of service to you, are you of a higher degree of excellence or the prophets?” He said, “It is the prophets.” I said, “Consider that Jacob has said to Joseph, ‘My son do not tell your dream to your brothers. They may plot against you. Why he not inform the brothers so that they would not plot against Joseph? He hid it from them such the way your father has done because he was afraid about you.” Then He said, “When you say that, I swear to God that your friend (a.s.) told me in Madina that I will be killed and crucified in al-Kunnasa and that he has a book with him that lists the people killed and crucified.” I then went for Hajj and reported the story of Zayd to Abu ‘Abdallah (a.s.) and what I said to Zayd. The Imam (a.s.) said, “You surrounded him from his front, back, left, right, above and below and did not leave for any way out.” [Usul al-Kafi, Volume 1, Page 174]

5 - عدة من أصحابنا، عن أحمد بن محمد بن عيسى، عن علي بن الحكم، عن أبان قال: أخبرني الأحول أن زيد بن علي بن الحسين عليهما السلام بعث إليه وهو مستخف قال: فأتيته فقال لي: يا أبا جعفر ما تقول ان طرقك طارق منا أتخرج معه؟ قال: فقلت له: إن كان أباك أو أخاك، خرجت معه قال: فقال لي: فأنا أريد أن أخرج أجاهد هؤلاء القوم فأخرج معي قال: قلت: لا ما افعل جعلت فداك، قال: فقال لي: أترغب بنفسك عني؟ قال: قلت له: إنما هي نفس واحدة فإن كان لله في الأرض حجة فالمتخلف عنك ناج والخارج معك هالك وان لا تكن لله حجة في الأرض فالمتخلف عنك والخارج معك سواء. قال: فقال لي: يا أبا جعفر كنت أجلس مع أبي على الخوان فيلقمني البضعة السمينة ويبرد لي اللقمة الحارة حتى تبرد، شفقة علي، ولم يشفق علي من حر النار، إذا أخبرك بالدين ولم يخبرني به؟ فقلت له: جعلت فداك شفقته عليك من حر النار لم يخبرك، خاف عليك: أن لا تقبله فتدخل النار، وأخبرني أنا، فإن قبلت نجوت، وإن لم أقبل لم يبال أن أدخل النار، ثم قلت له: جعلت فداك أنتم أفضل أم الأنبياء؟ قال: بل الأنبياء قلت: يقول يعقوب ليوسف: يا بني لا تقصص رؤياك على إخوتك فيكيدوا لك كيدا، لم لم يخبرهم حتى كانوا لا يكيدونه ولكن كتمهم ذلك فكذا أبوك كتمك لأنه خاف عليك، قال: فقال: أما والله لئن قلت ذلك لقد حدثني صاحبك بالمدينة أني اقتل واصلب بالكناسة وأن عنده لصحيفة فيها قتلي وصلبي. فحججت فحدثت أبا عبد الله عليه السلام بمقالة زيد وما قلت له، فقال: لي: أخذته من بين يديه ومن خلفه وعن يمينه وعن شماله ومن فوق رأسه ومن تحت قدميه، ولم تترك له مسلكا يسلكه.


Allamah Baqir al-Majlisi: Reliable like Authentic. موثق كالصحيح - [Mirat al-Uqul, Volume 2, Page 277]
Behbudi: Authentic. صحيح [Sahih al-Kafi, Volume 1, Page 23]

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