Monday, August 19, 2013

Have they seen al-Mahdi (as) ?

'Ali Ibn Muhammad from Hamdan al-Qalanisi who said: "I asked al-'Amri, has Abu Muhammad (al-Askari) passed away? He said, yes, he has passed away but has left behind among you a person (the succeeding Imam) whose neck is like this. He made a gesture with his hand."
علي بن محمد، عن حمدان القلانسي قال: قلت للعمري: قد مضى أبومحمد (عليه السلام)؟
فقال: قد مضى ولكن قد خلف فيكم من رقبته مثل هذا، وأشار بيده.
- Usul al-Kafi, Vol.1, Page 331, Hadith Number 4

Authentfication :

'Ali Ibn Muhammad:
Thiqah 'Ayn. ثقة عين - Rijal al-Najashi, Page 261.

Hamdan al-Qalanisi:
al-Kashi said I see that he is a Kufi Thiqah Khayr. قال الكشي قال النضر إنه كوفي ثقة خير - al-Khilasah of al-Hilli, Page 153.

The Kunya of his father is Abu 'Amr from the majority and it is said that he is from the companion of Sahab al-Zaman (as) and both have a great position in our sect. و أبوه يكنى أبا عمرو جميعا وكيلان من جهة صاحب الزمان عليه السلام و لهما منزلة جليلة عند الطائفة - Rijal al-Tusi, Page 447.

The chain is Sahih.

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