Wednesday, July 27, 2022

The Taqiyyah of the Third Deputy of the Qaim

Allamah Muhammad Baqir al-Majlissi († 1699) :

"I say: Shaykh [Tusi] then chronicles the letters that came to Himyari, which we have brought in the section of the letters. Then he says, Abul Qasim was of the wisest of all people, before friend and foe. He observed Taqiyyah. Abu Nasr Hibatullah Ibn Muhammad says, Each one, Abu Abdullah Ibn Ghalib and Abul Hasan Ibn Abi Tayyib said: I did not see anyone wiser than Shaykh Abul Qasim al-Husain Ibn Ruh. I saw him one day in the house of Ibn Yasar. He had a great position before the Sayyid and the caliph. The Masses [al-'Ammah] also revered him. Abul Qasim attended that place due to Taqiyyah and fear. I remember him. Two men were arguing; one was claiming that Abu Bakr was the best of the people after the Messenger of God and then Omar and then Ali; while the other contended that Ali was better than Omar. Their debate took long, so Abul Qasim said: “What the companions are unanimous upon is that the Siddiq comes first, then after him the Farooq, and then after him Othman, and then Ali, the Successor. Narrators of traditions uphold this. This is the correct belief before us.” Everyone who was there was perplexed from these words. Members of the Masses [al-'Ammah] were raising him over their heads from gaiety and were praying for him and were cursing those who were “accusing him to be a Rafidi.” Laughter was all the while overwhelming me. I tried to withhold it and control myself from laughing by putting my sleeve into my mouth. But then I feared that they will discern who I am, so I left. The Shaykh looked at me and noticed that. When I arrived at my house, there was a knock on the door. I came out and saw Abul Qasim Ibn Ruh was on his mule. He had come to me on his way to his house. He said: “Abdullah, may God do you favors, why were you laughing and were almost cheering me. As if what I said was not true before you.” I said: “It is true before me.” He said: “Fear God, Shaykh. I will not forgive you if you consider this word of mine great.” I said: “My master, someone who is seen to be the companion of the Imam and his representative, if he says a word as such, isn't it awkward and laughable?” He said: “By your life, if you say this again, I will desert you.” He bid me farewell and left."

"Abu Nasr Hibatullah Ibn Muhammad said: Abul Hasan Ibn Kibriya Naubakhti narrated to us, saying, Shaykh Abul Qasim discovered that his doorman had cursed Mu'awiyah. He ordered that he should be turned away and removed from his post. For a long time, the doorman was asking him to reinstate him. But by God, he did not reinstate him to his post. Someone from the houses took him and gave him employment. All of this was due to Taqiyyah.[Bihar al-Anwar, Volume 51, Page 356-357]

أقول: ذكر الشيخ بعد ذلك التوقيعات التي خرجت إلى الحميري على ما نقلناه في باب التوقيعات ثم قال: وكان أبو القاسم رحمه الله من أعقل الناس عند المخالف والموافق ويستعمل التقية فروى أبو نصر هبة الله بن محمد قال: حدثني أبو عبد الله بن غالب وأبو الحسن ابن أبي الطيب قالا: ما رأيت من هو أعقل من الشيخ أبي القاسم الحسين بن روح ولعهدي به يوما في دار ابن يسار، وكان له محل عند السيد والمقتدر عظيم، وكانت العامة أيضا تعظمه، وكان أبو القاسم يحضر تقية وخوفا. فعهدي به وقد تناظر اثنان فزعم واحد أن أبا بكر أفضل الناس بعد رسول الله صلى الله عليه وآله ثم عمر ثم علي وقال الآخر: بل علي أفضل من عمر، فزاد الكلام بينهما فقال أبو القاسم رضي الله عنه: الذي اجتمعت عليه الصحابة هو تقديم الصديق ثم بعده الفاروق ثم بعده عثمان ذو النورين ثم علي الوصي، وأصحاب الحديث على ذلك، وهو الصحيح عندنا، فبقي من حضر المجلس متعجبا من هذا القول وكانت العامة الحضور يرفعونه على رؤوسهم وكثر الدعاء له والطعن على من يرميه بالرفض. فوقع علي الضحك فلم أزل أتصبر وأمنع نفسي وأدس كمي في فمي فخشيت أن أفتضح، فوثبت عن المجلس ونظر إلي فتفطن لي فلما حصلت في منزلي فإذا بالباب يطرق فخرجت مبادرا فإذا بأبي القاسم بن روح راكبا بغلته قد وافاني من المجلس قبل مضيه إلى داره فقال لي: يا عبد الله أيدك الله لم ضحكت وأردت أن تهتف بي كأن الذي قلته عندك ليس بحق؟ فقلت له: كذاك هو عندي، فقال لي: اتق الله أيها الشيخ فاني لا أجعلك في حل تستعظم هذا القول مني فقلت: يا سيدي رجل يرى بأنه صاحب الامام ووكيله يقول ذلك القول لا يتعجب منه؟ و (لا) يضحك من قوله هذا؟ فقال لي: وحياتك لئن عدت لأهجرنك وودعني وانصرف. 

قال أبو نصر هبة الله بن محمد: حدثنا أبو الحسن بن كبريا النوبختي قال: بلغ الشيخ أبو القاسم رضي الله عنه أن بوابا كان له على الباب الأول قد لعن معاوية وشتمه، فأمر بطرده وصرفه عن خدمته، فبقي مدة طويلة يسأل في أمره فلا والله ما رده إلى خدمته وأخذه بعض الآهلة فشغله معه كل ذلك للتقية.


Masses / al-'Ammah / العامة

Sayyed Jalal al-Din al-Husseini al-Urmawi: "The Madhab of the Masses who named themselves Ahl al-Sunnah wal-Jama'ah." [Footnote of al-Idah, Page 209-210]
 مذهب العامة الذين سموا أنفسهم بأهل السنة والجماعة 

Abdallah Ibn Sabah and the Incident of the Skull

al-Sayyid Hashim al-Bahrani († 1696) :

Sayyid Murtadha writes that Abu Ali Muhammad bin Hammam in his Kitabe Anwaar narrates from Ammar Sabiti that Amirul Momineen (a) came to Madayan and stayed in Caesar’s palace. Dilf, son of Caesar’s astrologer had accompanied him. When he offered the Zuhr prayer, he said to Dilf: Accompany me. Dilf accompanied Ali (a) and they started walking around the house and looking at every room of the palace. Ali (a) started saying that this room was used for such and such work. Dilf said: I swear by God! You are absolutely right. You saw the whole of palace and provided information about it. How did you get the information? Amirul Momineen (a), it seems to me that the whole palace has been built with your hands. Then Ali (a) noticed a decayed human skull. He said to one of his companions: Pick up this skull and bring it here. His colleague picked up the skull and gave it to Ali (a). He once again entered the hall and sat down. Then he asked for a plate. When the plate was brought to him, he said: Put some water in it. He then asked one of his companions to put the rotten skull in that plate. Then he said to the skull: O the rotten skull, tell me who am I and who you are. The skull said in eloquent Arabic: You are Amirul Momineen (a) and Chief of the successors and you are Imam of the trustworthy in outward appearance and your position is far higher than merit and praise and as far as I am concerned, I am a slave of God and son of a maid, Caesar Anushirwan. The people of Sabat of Madayan saw the miracle of Imam Ali (a) and then they went to their homes and narrated what they saw. People talked about this miracle of the Imam and gave different interpretations. The next day people came to Ali (a) and some people told him. The people who saw your miracle have created doubts in our hearts. Some have started saying the same thing about you as what Christians claimed about Christ. Some have started deifying you and if you leave them in this state, people will become infidels. Imam Ali said: What do you want me to do? The people said: We want you to treat them in the same way as you treated Abdullah Ibn Saba and his companions i.e. burn them in the same way as you burned them in the fire. Then he called the people who were calling him God and when they gathered around him, he asked: Why do you regard me as God? 

2- Shaykh Bursi has also narrated this incident. After writing the proceedings of the palace, he wrote: Then Ali (a) saw a rotten skull lying in a corner. He told one of his companions to lift the skull. Then he came to the hall of palace of Caesar and asked for a plate filled with water and put the skull in it and said: Skull! I swear by God, tell me who I am and who you are? The skull said in an eloquent language: You are Amirul Momineen (a), Chief of the successors and the Imam of the pious, while I am your slave and the son of your slave girl, Anushirwan. Amirul Momineen (a) asked: How is your position? He said: Amirul Momineen (a), peace be on you, I was a just and compassionate king. I was kind to my subjects and I did not even agree on any unjust thing. However, I was a follower of the Zoroastrian faith, while Muhammad Mustafa (a) was born during my reign and at the time of his birth, 23 morris bells had fallen from the ceilings. At that time I intended to believe in the Prophet Muhammad’s religion, because I had heard from scholars that he will be having great honor and position. He is equally respected in the heavens and the earth. But I continue to be engrossed in the turmoils of kingdom and did not pay attention to Islam. It was my bad decision that I was deprived of such a great blessing. And if I had believed in him, I would have been in Paradise today, but I did not have the luck of faith, but thanks be to God, he saved me from the torment of Hell because I was a so equitable. At the moment, I am practically in hell but the fire doesn’t burn me. I wish! I had believed in him, I would have been with you today. O Amirul Momineen (a) and O Ahle Bayt (a), O the successor of Muhammad (s) this is my story. The narrator states that the people cried when they heard these words from the skull. Then people of Sabaat went to their homes. When they told the people about the incident of the skull, the people started disputing about Amirul Momineen (a).
Sincere people said that Amirul Momineen (a) is the slave and Wali of God and the successor of Holy Prophet (s). Some people said no, He is Prophet. Others said, “No, he is the Lord.” They accepted the view of Abdullah Ibn Saba and his companions, and said, “If Ali had not been the Lord, how could he raised the dead?” When Amirul Momineen (a) found out the views of the people, he was very upset and he summoned them and said: O People! Satan has overpowered you. I am a slave of God. God has been gracious to me and has given me Imamate, Wilayah and will of the Messenger of God. Turn away from disbelief. I am the servant of God and son of His servant. Holy Prophet (s) is much better than me but he is also the servant of God and we are all human beings like you. After this speech, some people repented from their disbelief and some held on to their false ideology. Amirul Momineen (a) urged them to refrain from false beliefs, but they refused. Some returned to their homes and those who remained were burnt in the fire. Those who accepted him as Lord said: If Ali were not Lord, why would He punish us with fire? Since the torment of fire is only from God, that is why Ali is God. May God protect from vain talks. [Madinat al-Ma'ajiz, Volume 1, Page 103-105]

التاسع والأربعون كلام جمجمة كسرى 141 - السيد المرتضى: قال: في كتاب الأنوار تأليف أبي علي محمد ابن همام حدثني العباس بن الفضل، قال: حدثني موسى بن عطية الأنصاري، قال: حدثنا حسان بن أحمد الأزرق، عن أبي الأحوص، (عن أبيه) (1)، عن عمار الساباطي، قال: قدم أمير المؤمنين - عليه السلام - المدائن فنزل بإيوان كسرى، وكان معه دلف بن منجم كسرى، فلما صلى (2) الزوال فقال لدلف: قم معي، كان معه جماعة من أهل الساباط، فما زال يطوف في مساكن (3) كسرى ويقول لدلف: كان لكسرى هذا المكان لكذا وكذا، فيقول (دلف) (4): هو والله كذلك، فما زال على ذلك حتى طاف المواضع بجميع من كانوا معه ودلف يقول: (هو والله) (5) يا سيدي ومولاي كأنك وضعت (هذه) (6) الأشياء في هذه الأمكنة. ثم نظر - صلوات الله عليه - إلى جمجمة نخرة، فقال: لبعض أصحابه: خذ هذه الجمجمة، وكانت مطروحة، وجاء - عليه السلام - إلى الإيوان وجلس فيه، ودعا بطست، وصب فيه ماء، وقال له: دع هذه الجمجمة في الطست، ثم قال - عليه السلام -: أقسمت عليك يا جمجمة أخبريني من أنا، ومن أنت؟ فنطقت الجمجمة بلسان فصيح، وقالت: أما أنت فأمير المؤمنين، وسيد الوصيين [وإمام المتقين في الظاهر والباطن وأعظم من أن توصف] (7)، وأما أنا فعبد الله، وابن أمة الله كسرى أنو شيروان، فانصرف القوم الذين كانوا معه من أهل ساباط إلى أهاليهم، وأخبروهم بما سمعوه من الجمجمة، فاضطربوا واختلفوا في معنى أمير المؤمنين وحضروه، وقال بعضهم: قد أفسد هؤلاء قلوبنا بما أخبروه عنك، وقال بعضهم فيه - عليه السلام - مثل ما قال النصارى في المسيح، ومثل ما قال عبد الله بن سبأ وأصحابه فإن تركتهم على هذا كفر الناس. فلما سمع ذلك منهم، قال لهم: ما تحبون أن أصنع بهم؟ قالوا: تحرقهم بالنار كما حرقت عبد الله بن سبأ وأصحابه، فأحضرهم وقال: ما حملكم على ما قلتم؟ قالوا: سمعنا كلام الجمجمة النخرة ومخاطبتها إياك، ولا يجوز ذلك إلا لله تعالى، فمن ذلك قلنا ما قلنا، فقال - عليه السلام -: ارجعوا عن كلامكم، وتوبوا إلى الله، فقالوا: ما كنا نرجع عن قولنا، فاصنع بنا ما أنت صانع، فأمر - عليه السلام - أن تضرم لهم النار، فحرقهم، فلما احترقوا، قالوا: اسحقوهم وذروهم في الريح، فسحقوهم وذروهم في الريح. فلما كان اليوم الثالث من إحراقهم دخل إليه أهل الساباط، وقالوا: الله الله في دين محمد - صلى الله عليه وآله -، إن الذين أحرقتهم بالنار قد رجعوا إلى منازلهم بأحسن ما كانوا! فقال - عليه السلام -: أليس قد أحرقتموهم بالنار، وسحقتموهم وذريتموهم في الريح؟ (1) قالوا: بلى، قال - عليه السلام -: أحرقتهم والله أحياهم: فانصرفوا أهل الساباط متحيرين ومثل ما قال عبد الله بن سبأ وأصحابه: فيعذبهم ما فعل عبد الله بن سبأ وانتهى أمره إلى ما انتهى إليه أمر عبد الله بن سبأ وأصحابه (2) وإلى ما اخبر عنهم. (3)

 142 - الشيخ البرسي: وروى هذا الحديث إلى أن قال: ثم نظر - صلى الله عليه وآله - [إلى] (4) جمجمة نخرة فقال لبعض أصحابه: خذ هذه الجمجمة [وكانت مطروحة] (1) ثم جاء - عليه السلام - إلى الإيوان وجلس فيه ودعا بطست فيه ماء، فقال للرجل: دع هذه الجمجمة في الطست، ثم قال: أقسمت عليك (بالله) (2) يا جمجمة لتخبريني من أنا ومن أنت، فقالت الجمجمة بلسان فصيح: أما أنت فأمير المؤمنين وسيد الوصيين وإمام المتقين، وأما أنا فعبدك وابن عبدك أمتك كسرى أنو شيروان. فقال [له] (3) أمير المؤمنين - عليه السلام -: كيف حالك؟ فقال: يا أمير المؤمنين عليك السلام إني كنت ملكا عادلا شفيقا على الرعايا، رحيما لا أرضى بظلم، ولكن كنت على دين المجوس، وقد ولد محمد - صلى الله عليه وآله - في زمان ملكي، فسقط من شرفات قصري ثلاثة وعشرون شرفة ليلة ولد، فهممت [أن] (4) أؤمن به من كثرة ما سمعت من الزيادة من أنواع شرفه وفضله ومرتبته وعزه في السماوات والأرض، ومن شرف أهل بيته، ولكني تغافلت عن ذلك وتشاغلت عنه في الملك، فيالها من نعمة ومنزلة ذهبت مني حيث لم أؤمن به، فأنا محروم [من] (5) الجنة بعد أيماني به ولكني مع هذا الكفر خلصني الله من عذاب النار ببركة عدلي وإنصافي بين الرعية، فأنا في النار والنار محرمة علي، فواحسرتاه لو آمنت به لكنت معكم (6) يا سيد أهل بيت محمد، ويا أمير المؤمنين (7). قال: فبكى الناس وانصرف القوم الذين كانوا معه من أهل ساباط إلى أهليهم وأخبروهم بما كان وبما جرى من الجمجمة، فاضطربوا واختلفوا في معنى أمير المؤمنين، فقال المخلصون منهم: إن أمير المؤمنين عبد الله ووليه ووصي رسول الله - صلى الله عليه وآله - وقال بعضهم: [بل] (1) هو النبي - صلى الله عليه وآله -، وقال بعضهم: بل هو الرب، هو (مثل) (2) عبد الله بن سبأ وأصحابه، وقالوا لولا أنه الرب (وإلا) (3) كيف يحيي الموتى، قال: فسمع بذلك أمير المؤمنين فضاق صدره و أحضرهم، وقال: يا قوم غلب عليكم الشيطان (واستحوذ عليكم) (4)، إن أنا إلا عبد أنعم الله علي بإمامته وولايته ووصية رسول الله - صلى الله عليه وآله - (والإمامة من قبل) (5) فارجعوا عن الكفر، فأنا عبد الله وابن عبده، ومحمد - صلى الله عليه وآله - خير مني وهو أيضا عبد الله وإن نحن إلا بشر مثلكم، فخرج بعضهم عن الكفر، وبقي قوم على الكفر ما رجعوا، فألح عليهم أمير المؤمنين - عليه السلام - بالرجوع فما رجعوا، فأحرقهم بالنار وتفرق منهم في البلاد قوم قالوا: لولا أن فيه الربوبية وإلا فما كان أحرقنا بالنار، فنعوذ بالله من الخذلان.

The Hajj of Jahiliyah

Abu Ja'far Muhammad Ibn Ya'qub al-Kulayni († 941) :

Chapter: People’s obligation after Hajj to Meet the Imam, Ask them Religious Instructions, Declare and Pledge to them Allegiance and Express their Love

(1) - Ali ibn Ibrahim has narrated from his father from ibn abu ‘Umayr from ibn ’Udhayna from Fudayl who has said the following. “Abu Ja‘far (a.s.) looked at the people who were performing Tawaf [i.e walking around the Ka‘ba seven times] and said, “This is how they used to perform Tawaf in the times of Jahiliyah. What they are required to do is to perform Tawaf and come to us, declare their support and love for us and express their help for us. The Imam (a.s.) then recited this verse “So make hearts among the people incline toward them.” (14:37)

(2) - Al-Husayn ibn Muhammad has narrated from Mu‘alla ibn Muhammad from Ali ibn Asbat from Dawud ibn al-Ni‘man from abu ‘Ubayda who has said the following. “I heard Abu Ja‘far say, (a.s.) when he saw people in Makka and what they were doing, “Activities like those in the days of ignorance. By God, they are not commanded to do as such What they are commanded to do is to complete their Hajj, relieve themselves of the obligations of vows and visit us to inform us of their support and express their help before us.

(3) - Ali ibn Ibrahim has narrated from Salih ibn al-Sindi from Ja‘far ibn Bashir and Muhammad ibn Yahya from Ahmad ibn Muhammad ibn ‘Isa from ibn al-Faddal all from abu Jamila from Khalid ibn ‘Ammar from Sadir who has said the following. “I heard Abu Ja‘far (a.s.) when he was coming in and I was going out and he held my hand and then said, “Turn to the House [al-Bayt]. O Sadir, what people are, in fact, commanded to do is to come to these stones, perform Tawaf around them then come to us declare their support to us. That is what God has said, “. .I am All-forgiving to the righteously striving believers who repent and follow the right guidance.” (20:82) Then he pointed his hand to his chest –to our Wilayah. Then he said, “O Sadir, would you like me to show you who create obstacles on the path of God” Then he looked at Abu Hanifa and Sufyan al-Thawri of that time. They had a circle of people around them. He then said, “These are the ones who create obstacles on the path of God without guidance from God and a clear book. Would these malignant ones sit in their homes. When people search around and would not find anyone to inform them of the guidance of God Almighty and His Messenger they would come to us and we would inform them of the guidance of God Almighty and His Messenger.”  [Usul al-Kafi, Volume 1, Page 392-393]

(باب) * (أن الواجب على الناس بعد ما يقضون مناسكهم أن يأتوا الامام فيسألونه) * * (عن معالم دينهم ويعلمونهم ولايتهم ومودتهم له) * 

1- علي بن إبراهيم، عن أبيه، عن ابن أبي عمير، عن ابن أذينة، عن الفضيل، عن أبي جعفر عليه السلام قال: نظر إلى الناس يطوفون حول الكعبة، فقال: هكذا كانوا يطوفون في الجاهلية، إنما أمروا أن يطوفوا بها، ثم ينفروا إلينا فيعلمونا ولايتهم ومودتهم ويعرضوا علينا نصرتهم، ثم قرأ هذه الآية " واجعل أفئدة من الناس تهوي إليهم

2 - الحسين بن محمد، عن معلى بن محمد عن علي بن أسباط، عن داود بن النعمان عن أبي عبيدة قال: سمعت أبا جعفر عليه السلام - ورأي الناس بمكة وما يعملون - قال فقال: فعال كفعال الجاهلية أما والله ما أمروا بهذا وما أمروا إلا أن يقضوا تفثهم و ليوفوا نذورهم فيمروا بنا فيخبرونا بولايتهم ويعرضوا علينا نصرتهم.

3 - علي بن إبراهيم، عن صالح بن السندي، عن جعفر بن بشير، ومحمد بن يحيى، عن أحمد بن محمد بن عيسى، عن ابن فضال جميعا، عن أبي جميلة، عن خالد بن عمار، عن سدير قال: سمعت أبا جعفر عليه السلام وهو داخل وأنا خارج وأخذ بيدي، ثم
استقبل البيت فقال: يا سدير إنما أمر الناس أن يأتوا هذه الأحجار فيطوفوا بها ثم يأتونا فيعلمونا ولايتهم لنا وهو قول الله: " وإني لغفار لمن تاب وآمن وعمل صالحا ثم اهتدى (1) " - ثم أومأ بيده إلى صدره - إلى ولايتنا. ثم قال: يا سدير فأريك الصادين عن دين الله، ثم نظر إلى أبي حنيفة وسفيان الثوري في ذلك الزمان وهم حلق في المسجد، فقال: هؤلاء الصادون عن دين الله بلا هدى من الله ولا كتاب مبين، إن هؤلاء الأخابث لو جلسوا في بيوتهم فجال الناس فلم يجدوا أحدا يخبرهم عن الله تبارك وتعالى وعن رسوله صلى الله عليه وآله حتى يأتونا فنخبرهم عن الله تبارك وتعالى وعن رسوله صلى الله عليه وآله.


(1) First Narration:

Allamah al-Majlissi: Hasan. حسن [Mirat al-Uqul, Volume 4, Page 285]

Behbudi: Sahih. [Sahih al-Kafi, Volume 1, Page 47]


Mullah Salih al-Mazandarani : His Word: (and said, “This is how they used to perform Tawaf in the times of Jahiliyah.) the ressemblance here is either because of them not doing their Tawaf properly or because they do not go back to the Imam whose obediance is obligatory. [Sharh Usul al-Kafi, Volume 6, Page 407]

* الشرح:
قوله (فقال هكذا كانوا يطوفون في الجاهلية) التشبيه إما باعتبار وقوع الخلل في طوافهم أو لعدم رجوعهم إلى إمام مفترض الطاعة.

Friday, July 22, 2022

Venus and the Fallen Angels

Allamah Muhammad Baqir al-Majlissi († 1699) :

Tafseer Ali Bin Ibrahim – From his father, from Al-Hassan Bin Mahboub, from Ali Bin Raib, from Muhammad Bin Qays, ‘From Abu Ja’far, he (the narrator) said, ‘Ata’a asked him while we were in Mecca, about Harut and Marut. Abu Ja’far said: ‘The Angels have been descending from the sky to the earth during every day and night, preserving the deeds amidst the people of the earth, from the children of Adam and the Jinn. So they were writing their deeds and ascending with these to the sky’.
He said: ‘The people of the sky, from the disobedient people of the midst of the earth clamoured. They quarrelled in what is between them from what they were listening and seeing of their fabricating the lies upon God and their audacity upon Him and they removed God from what His creatures were saying and describing.
A group of the Angels said, ‘O our Lord! Are You not Angered from what Your creatures are doing in Your earth and what they are describing the lies regarding You and saying the falsehood, and they are indulging in the acts of disobediences, and You have Prohibited them from these? Then You are being Lenient from them and they are in Your Grip and Your Power and in the midst of Your Given well-being!’
Abu Ja’far said: ‘So God Loved to Show the Power to the Angels and implementation of His Command among entirety of His creatures, and to Make the Angels understand what He had Conferred upon them with He Turned away from them from the works of His creatures, and what He had Natured them (Angels) upon from the obedience and their protection from the sins with’.
He said: ‘So God Revealed to the Angels: “Delegate to Angels from you all until I Send them down to the earth. Then I shall Make to be in them both of the natures of feeding and drinking, and desires and greed and the hopes like what I have Made it to be in the children of Adam. Then I shall Inform them regarding the obedience to Me!”’

He said: ‘They deputised Harut and Marut for that, and they were the severest of the Angels in words regarding the faults of the children of Adam and had Preferred the Wrath of God upon them’.
He said: ‘God Revealed to them both: “Go down to the earth, for I have Made among you two, from the natures of the feeding and the drinking, and the desires and the greed, and the hopes like what I have Made it to be in the children of Adam!”

He said: ‘Then God Revealed to them both: “Look (be careful) that you do not associate anything with Me nor kill the soul which God has Forbidden, nor commit adultery, nor drink the wine!”’

He said: ‘Then God Scraped off from the seven skies in order to Show them His Power, then Sent them down to the earth in the image of the humans and their clothing. They came down in an area of Babel. A shiny building appeared to them, so they went towards it, and there they were in the presence of a beautiful woman with excellent adornments, perfumed, walking coming towards them’.

He said: ‘When they looked at her and spoke to her and contemplated her, she occurred in their hearts with intense occurrence due to the placing of the desires which had been Made to be in them. They referred to her with a reference of temptation and isolation and they wanted herself (physically).

She said to them, ‘There is a religion I am making a religion with it and in my religion, I am not able upon answering you two to what you are wanting except if you were to enter into my religion which I am making it a religion with’.
They said to her, ‘And what is your religion?’ She said, ‘There is a god for me, one who were to worship him and prostrate to him, there would be the way for me to answer him to all what he asks me for’. They said to her, ‘And what is your god?’ She said, ‘My god is this idol!’’

He said: ‘One of them looked at his companion. He said, ‘These are two characteristics from what we have been forbidden from, the Shirk (association) and the adultery, because if we were to prostrate to this idol and worship it, we would be associating with God, and we would rather be associating with God in order to arrive to the adultery, and it is that we are seeking, the adultery. We will not be given it except with the Shirk’’.

He said: ‘They deliberated between them, and the desire which had been Made to be in them, overcame. They said to her, ‘We shall answer you to what you are asking’. She said, ‘So it is for you to drink this wine, for it is an offering of yours, and by it you would be arriving to what you are wanting’.

They deliberated between them and said, ‘These are three characteristics from what our Lord has Forbidden from – the Shirk, and the adultery, and drinking the wine, and rather we will be entering into drinking the wine, and the Shirk until we can arrive to the adultery’.
They deliberated between them and said, ‘How mighty is the test with you! We hereby answer you to what you are asking!’ She said, ‘It is up to you, so drink from this wine, and worship this idol and prostrate to it!’ They drank the wine and worshipped the idol, then they wanted her physically.
When she prepared for them and they prepared for her, a beggar entered to them begging. When he saw them and they saw him, they were alarmed from him. He said to them, ‘You are dreading alarmed. You have isolated with this beautiful, perfumed woman? You are evil men!’ And he went out from them.
She said to them, ‘No, by my god! You will not be arriving to me now, and this man will be notifying your state, and he knows of your place, and he will go out now and inform with your news! But rush to this man and kill him before he exposes you two and exposes me! Then it would be up to you to take your need, and you will be reassured, secure!’’

He said: ‘They stood to the man and caught him and killed him, then they returned to her. But they could not see her, and their evil was manifested to them, and their feathers (wings) were Snatched away from them and dropped in their hands’.

He said: ‘God Revealed to them: “I had Sent you two down to the earth with My creatures for an hour from the day, and you disobeyed me with four of the (acts of) disobediences! All of these, I had Forbidden you from, and had Fore warned you regarding these, but you did not watch out for Me and were not ashamed from Me, and you had both been the severest of the ones resenting upon the disobedient people of the earth and sought My Concern and My Anger upon them due to what I had Made to be in you both, from the natures of My creatures and My having Fortified you from the disobedience. So how is your view of the place of abandonment regarding you both, choosing the punishment of the world or Punishment of the Hereafter?”

One of them said to his companion, ‘We shall enjoy from our desires in the world, then we shall go to it the Punishment of the Hereafter’. The other one said, ‘The punishment of the world, there is a period for it and a termination, and the Punishment of the Hereafter is permanent, there is no termination for it. So we shouldn’t be choosing Punishment of the Hereafter, the permanent, the severe, over the punishment of the world, the terminating, the perishing’’.

He said: ‘They chose punishment of the world. So they were teaching sorcery to the people in the land of Babel. Then when they had taught sorcery to the people, they were Raised from the earth to the air. So they are being punished overturned, suspended in the air, up to the Day of Judgement.’’ [Bihar al-Anwar, Volume 55-56, Page 461-463]

 2 - تفسير علي بن إبراهيم: عن أبيه، عن الحسن بن محبوب، عن علي ابن رئاب، عن محمد بن قيس، عن أبي جعفر عليه السلام قال: سأله عطا - ونحن بمكة - عن هاروت وماروت، فقال أبو جعفر عليه السلام: إن الملائكة كانوا ينزلون من السماء إلى الأرض في كل يوم وليلة، يحفظون أعمال أوساط أهل الأرض من ولد آدم و الجن، فيكتبون أعمالهم ويعرجون بها إلى السماء، قال: فضج أهل السماء من معاصي أهل أوساط الأرض، فتوامزوا (3) فيما بينهم مما يسمعون ويرون من افترائهم الكذب على الله تبارك وتعالى وجرأتهم عليه ونزهوا الله مما يقول فيه خلقه ويصفون فقالت طائفة من الملائكة: يا ربنا ما تغضب مما يعمل خلقك في أرضك وما يصفون فيك الكذب ويقولون الزور ويرتكبون المعاصي وقد نهيتهم عنها، ثم أنت تحلم عنهم وهم في قبضتك وقدرتك وخلال عافيتك، قال أبو جعفر عليه السلام: فأحب الله أن يري الملائكة القدرة ونافذ أمره في جميع خلقه، ويعرف الملائكة ما من به عليهم مما (1) عدله عنهم من صنع خلقه، وما طبعهم عليه من الطاعة، وعصمهم به من الذنوب. قال: فأوحى الله إلى الملائكة أن انتدبوا (2) منكم ملكين حتى أهبطهما إلى الأرض ثم أجعل فيهما من طبائع المطعم والمشرب والشهوة والحرص والأمل مثل ما جعلته في ولد آدم، ثم أختبرهما في الطاعة لي قال: فندبوا لذلك هاروت وماروت، وكانا أشد (3) الملائكة قولا في العيب لولد آدم واستئثار غضب الله عليهم. قال: فأوحى الله إليهما أن اهبطا إلى الأرض، فقد جعلت فيكما من طبائع المطعم والمشرب والشهوة والحرص والأمل مثل ما جعلت في ولد آدم. قال: ثم أوحى الله إليهما انظرا أن لا تشركا بي شيئا، ولا تقتلا النفس التي حرم الله، ولا تزنيا، ولا تشربا الخمر، قال: ثم كشط عن السماوات السبع ليريهما قدرته، ثم أهبطهما إلى الأرض في صورة البشر ولباسهم، فهبطا ناحية بابل، فرفع لهما بناء مشرف (4) فأقبلا نحوه، فإذا بحضرته امرأة جميلة حسناء مزينة معطرة [مسفرة] مقبلة نحوهما، قال: فلما نظرا إليها وناطقاها وتأملاها وقعت في قلوبهما موقعا شديدا لموضع الشهوة التي جعلت فيهما، فرجعا إليها رجوع فتنة وخذلان وراوداها عن نفسها. فقالت لهما: إن لي دينا أدين به، وليس أقدر في ديني على أن أجيبكما إلى ما تريدان إلا أن تدخلا في ديني الذي أدين به، فقالا لها: وما دينك؟ قالت: لي إله من عبده وسجد له كان لي السبيل إلى أن أجيبه إلى كل ما سألني، فقالا لها: وما إلهك؟ قالت: إلهي هذا الصنم، قال: فنظر أحدهما إلى صاحبه، فقال: هاتان خصلتان مما نهينا عنهما: الشرك، والزنا، لأنا إن سجدنا لهذا الصنم و عبدناه أشركنا بالله، وإنما نشرك بالله لنصل إلى الزنا، وهو ذا نحن نطلب الزنا فليس نعطى إلا بالشرك. قال: فائتمرا بينهما، فغلبتهما الشهوة التي جعلت فيهما فقالا لها: نجيبك إلى ما سألت، فقالت: فدونكما، فاشربا هذه الخمر فإنه قربان لكما، وبه تصلان إلى ما تريدان، فائتمرا بينهما فقالا: هذه ثلاث خصال مما نهانا ربنا عنها: الشرك، والزنا، وشرب الخمر، وإنما ندخل في شرب الخمر و الشرك حتى نصل إلى الزنا، فائتمرا بينهما، فقالا: ما أعظم البلية بك! قد أجبناك إلى ما سألت، قالت: فدونكما فاشربا من هذه الخمر، واعبدا هذا الصنم، واسجدا له فشربا الخمر، وعبدا الصنم، ثم راوداهما عن نفسها، فلما تهيأت لهما وتهيئا لها دخل عليهما سائل يسأل [هذه] فلما أن رآهما ورأياه ذعرا منه فقال لهما: إنكما نابان (1) ذعران، قد خلوتما بهذه المرأة المعطرة الحسناء، إنكما لرجلا سوء، و خرج عنهما. فقالت لهما: لا وإلهي ما تصلان الآن إلي وقد اطلع هذا الرجل على حالكما وعرف مكانكما، ويخرج الآن ويخبر بخبركما، ولكن بادرا إلى هذا الرجل فاقتلاه قبل أن يفضحكما ويفضحني ثم دونكما، فاقضيا حاجتكما و أنتما مطمئنان آمنان قال: فقاما إلى الرجل فأدركاه فقتلاه ثم رجعا إليها، فلم يرياها وبدت لهما سوآتهما ونزع عنهما رياشهما وأسقطا في أيديهما، قال: فأوحى الله إليهما أن أهبطتكما إلى الأرض مع خلقي ساعة من النهار فعصيتماني بأربع من معاصي كلها قد نهيتكما عنها وتقدمت إليكما فيها فلم تراقباني (2) ولم تستحييا مني وقد كنتما أشد من نقم على أهل الأرض المعاصي واستجر أسفي وغضبي عليهم لما جعلت فيكما من طبع خلقي وعصمتي إياكما من المعاصي، فكيف رأيتما موضع خذلاني فيكما؟ اختارا عذاب الدنيا أو عذاب الآخرة، فقال أحدهما لصاحبه: نتمتع من شهواتنا في الدنيا إذ صرنا إليها إلى أن نصير إلى عذاب الآخرة. فقال الآخر: إن عذاب الدنيا له مدة وانقطاع، وعذاب الآخرة دائم لا انقطاع له فلسنا نختار عذاب الآخرة الدائم الشديد على عذاب الدنيا المنقطع الفاني. قال: فاختارا عذاب الدنيا، فكانا يعلمان الناس السحر في أرض بابل، ثم لما علما الناس السحر رفعا من الأرض إلى الهواء، فهما معذبان منكسان معلقان في الهواء إلى يوم القيامة 

Allamah Muhammad Baqir al-Majlissi († 1699) :

Al-Ayyashi, from Zurara, from Abu Al Tufeyl who said, ‘I was in the Masjid of Al-Kufa. I heard Ali while he was upon the pulpit, and Ibn AlKawa had called out at him, and he was at the end of the Masjid, ‘He said, ‘O Commander of the Believers! What is the guidance?’ He said: ‘May God Curse you! He did not hear him. You do not want Guidance but you intend the blindness!’

Then he said to him: ‘Approach!’ He went near him. He asked him about things. He informed him. He said, ‘Inform me about this red planet’ – meaning Venus.

He said: ‘God Notified the Angels upon His creatures, and they were upon acts of disobediences of disobeying Him. The two Angels Harut and Marut said, ‘They are the ones You Created their father by Your Hands, and Your Angels had prostrated to Him, they are disobeying You!’

He Said: “Perhaps when you are tested with the likes of which they are tested with, you would be disobeying Me like what they are disobeying Me!” They both said, ‘No, by Your Might!’

He said: ‘He Tried them both with the like of that He has Tried the children of Adam, of the desires. Then He Commanded them that they will neither associate anything with Him, nor kill the soul which God has Forbidden, nor commit adultery, nor drink the wine. Then He Sent them down to the earth.

They were judging between the people, this one in an area, and this one in an area. They were with that until one of them came to this celestial body you are disputing to, and she was from the most beautiful of the people. She fascinated him. He said to her, ‘You are right, and I will not judge for you until you give yourself to me’. She promised him a day.

Then another came. When she disputed to him, she occurred in his self and fascinated him, just as she had fascinated the other one. He said to her similar to the words of his companion. She promised him the time which she had promised his companion.

They both gathered in her presence during that time, and each one was embarrassed from his companion when he saw him, and they both lowered their heads and bowed it. Then the shame was removed from them, so one of them said to his companion, ‘O you! I have come for that which you have come for’’.

He said: ‘Then they desired her of herself, but she refused unto them until if they were to prostrate to her idol, and drink from her drink. And they refused to her, and asked her, but she refused until if they were to drink from her drink. So when they had drunk, they prayed to her idol.

And a beggar entered and saw them both. She said to them, ‘Expel this one, for he will inform about you both!’ They stood up to him and killed him. Then they desired her of herself. She refused until they were to inform her with what they had been ascending to the sky. They refused, and she refused to do (anything). So they informed her.

She said what they informed her in order to experiment their words, and she ascended. They raised their sights towards her. The people of the sky saw her overlooking upon them both, looking at them, and she moved towards the sky. So she was Morphed, and it is the planet which you see’’. [Bihar al-Anwar, Volume 55-56, Page 466-467]

- العياشي: عن زرارة، عن أبي الطفيل، قال: كنت في مسجد الكوفة فسمعت عليا وهو على المنبر وناداه ابن الكوا وهو في مؤخر المسجد فقال: يا أمير المؤمنين ما الهدى؟ قال لعنك الله ولم يسمعه ما الهدى تريد ولكن العمى تريد، ثم قال له: ادن، فدنا منه، فسأله عن أشياء فأخبره، فقال: أخبرني عن هذه الكوكبة الحمراء - يعني الزهرة - قال: إن الله اطلع ملائكته على خلقه، وهم على معصية من معاصيه، فقال الملكان هاروت وماروت هؤلاء الذين خلقت أباهم بيدك، وأسجدت له ملائكتك يعصونك. قال: فلعلكم إذا ابتليتم بمثل الذي ابتلوا هم به عصيتموني [كما عصوني] قالا: لا وعزتك. قال: فابتلاهما بمثل الذي ابتلى به بني آدم من الشهوة، ثم أمرهما أن لا يشركا به شيئا، ولا يقتلا النفس التي حرم الله، ولا يزنيا، ولا يشربا الخمر، ثم أهبطهما إلى الأرض، فكانا يقضيان بين الناس، هذا في ناحية وهذا في ناحية، فكانا بذلك حتى أتت أحدهما هذه الكوكبة تخاصم إليه وكانت من أجمل الناس، فأعجبته، فقال لها: الحق لك ولا أقضي لك حتى تمكنيني من نفسك، فواعدت يوما، ثم أتت الآخر فلما خاصمت إليه وقعت في نفسه و أعجبته كما أعجبت الآخر، فقال لها مثل مقالة صاحبه، فواعدته الساعة التي واعدت صاحبه، فاتفقا جميعا عندها في تلك الساعة، فاستحيى كل واحد من صاحبه حيث رآه وطأطأ رؤوسهما ونكسا، ثم نزع الحياء منهما، فقال أحدهما لصاحبه: يا هذا! جاء بي الذي جاء بك، قال: ثم راوداها عن نفسها، فأبت عليهما حتى يسجدا لوثنها ويشربا من شرابها، وأبيا عليها وسألاها فأبت إلا أن يشربا من شرابها فلما شربا صليا لوثنها، ودخل مسكين فرأهما، فقالت لهما: يخرج هذا فيخبر عنكما، فقاما إليه فقتلاه، ثم راوداها عن نفسها فأبت حتى يخبراها بما يصعدان به إلى السماء، فأبيا وأبت أن تفعل، فأخبراها، فقالت ذلك لتجرب مقالتهما وصعدت، فرفعا أبصارهما إليها فرأيا أهل السماء مشرفين عليهما ينظرون إليهما، وتناهت إلى السماء فمسخت، فهي الكوكبة التي ترى.

Allamah Muhammad Baqir al-Majlissi († 1699) :

And from him, from Al-Hassan Bin Mahboub, from Abu Wallad who said, ‘I said to Abu Abdullah, ‘May I be sacrificed for you! A man from our companion is devout, plentiful of Prayers. He has been Tried by the love of amusement and he listens to the music. He said: ‘Does that prevent him from praying the prayers at its timings, or from Fasting, or from consoling a sick one, or attending a funeral, or visiting a brother?’ He (the narrator) said, ‘I said, ‘That isn’t preventing him from anything of the good and the righteous (deeds)’. He (the narrator) said, ‘He said: ‘This is from path of the Satan. It will be Forgiven for him if God Desires’. Then he said: ‘A group of Angels had faulted the children of Adam regarding the pleasures and the desires. I mean that as being the Permissible, not the Prohibited’. He said: God disdained the Believers from the children of Adam, from the faulting of the Angels to them’. He said: ‘God Cast the pleasures and the desires in the temperament of the Angels, lest they would be faulting the Believers’. He said: ‘When they sensed that from their temperament, they clamoured to God from that. They said, ‘Our Lord! Your Pardon! Your Pardon! Return us to what You had Created us for and had Chosen us to be upon, for we are fearing that we would overcome in a confusing matter!’’ He said: ‘God Removed that from their temperament’. He said: ‘When it will be the Day of Judgement and the people of the Paradise come to be in the Paradise, those Angels would seek Permission to see the people of Paradise. He would Permit them, so they will be entering to see them. They would greet unto them and say: ‘"Peace be upon you for what you patiently endured" {13:24} – in the world from the pleasures and the desires, the Permissible’’ [Bihar al-Anwar, Volume 55-56, Page 468]

10 - ومنه: عن الحسن بن محبوب، عن أبي ولاد، قال: قلت لأبي عبد الله عليه السلام: جعلت فداك، إن رجلا من أصحابنا ورعا مسلما كثير الصلاة قد ابتلى بحب اللهو وهو يسمع الغناء، فقال: أيمنعه ذلك من الصلاة لوقتها أو من صوم أو من عيادة مريض أو حضور جنازة أو زيارة أخ؟ قال: قلت: لا ليس يمنعه ذلك من شئ من الخير والبر، قال: فقال: هذا من خطوات الشيطان مغفور له ذلك إن شاء الله. ثم قال: إن طائفة من الملائكة عابوا ولد آدم في اللذات والشهوات أعني ذلكم الحلال ليس الحرام، قال: فأنف الله للمؤمنين من ولد آدم من تعيير الملائكة لهم، قال: فألقى الله في همة أولئك الملائكة اللذات والشهوات كيلا يعيبون المؤمنين، قال: فلما أحسوا ذلك من هممهم عجوا إلى الله من ذلك، فقالوا: ربنا عفوك عفوك، ردنا إلى ما خلقتنا له، واخترتنا عليه، فإنا نخاف أن نصير في أمر مريج. قال: فنزع الله ذلك من هممهم، قال: فإذا كان يوم القيامة وصار أهل الجنة في الجنة استأذن أولئك الملائكة على أهل الجنة فيؤذون لهم، فيدخلون عليهم فيسلمون عليهم ويقولون لهم: سلام عليكم بما صبرتم في الدنيا عن اللذات والشهوات الحلال.

Tuesday, July 19, 2022

The Stone that Fell on the Denier of Ghadir

al-Sayyid Hashim al-Bahrani († 1696) :

Eight hundred and fifty [The Story] of the Stone that fell on the head of al-Nu'man bin al-Harith that killed him when he said what he said.

Sayyid Murtadha in 'Uyun al-Mu'jizat said: Narrated Abu AbdAllah Muhammad bin Ahmad who said, my father narrated and said, Ali bin Farukh al-Saman narrated and said, Narrated Yahya bin Zakariya al-Munqari who said, narrated to me Sufyan Ibn 'Ayinah who said, narrated to me Omar bin Abi Sulaym al-'Issah from Ja'far bin Muhammad [al-Sadiq] that he said: On the day of Ghadir, the Messenger of God ordered the construction of a pulpit from camel saddles and then summoned the people toward Ali and said: “One who has me as his master has ‘Alī as his master. O Allāh! Befriend him who befriends him, and be his enemy who is his enemy, help him who helps him and degrade him who degrade him.” The news spread quickly all over urban and rural areas. When Nu’man Ibn al-Harith al-Fehri came to know of it, he rode his camel and came to Medina and went to the Messenger of God and said to him: “You commanded us to testify that there is no deity but God and that you are the Messenger of God. We obeyed you. You ordered us to perform the prayers five times a day and we obeyed. Then you commanded us to offer pilgrimage to Mecca and we obeyed. But you are not satisfied with all this and you raised this child and imposed him upon us by saying Ali is the Master of whom I am Master.’ Is this imposition from God or from you?” The Prophet said: “By God who is the Only Deity! This is from God, the Mighty and the Glorious.” On hearing this Harith turned back and proceeded towards his she-camel saying: “O God! If what Muhammad said is the truth then fling on us a stone from the sky and subject us to severe pain and torture.” He had not reached his she-camel when God flung at him a stone which struck him on his head, penetrated his body and passed out through his lower body and left him dead. It was on this occasion that God caused to descend the following verse: “A supplicant asked for a punishment bound to happen.”{70:1} [Madinat al-Ma'ajiz, Volume 1, Page 407-408]

الثامن والخمسون ومائة الحجر الساقط على رأس النعمان بن الحارث فقتله حين قال ما قال 270 - السيد المرتضى في عيون المعجزات: قال: حدث أبو عبد الله محمد بن أحمد، قال: حدثنا أبي، قال: حدثني علي بن فروخ السمان، قال: حدثني يحيى بن زكرياء المنقري، قال: حدثنا سفيان ابن عيينة، قال: حدثني عمر بن أبي سليم العيسى، عن جعفر بن محمد الصادق، عن أبيه - عليهما السلام - قال: لما نصب رسول الله - صلى الله عليه وآله - عليا - عليه السلام - يوم غدير خم، وقال: من كنت مولاه فعلي مولاه، اللهم وال من والاه وعاد من عاداه، وانصر من نصره، واخذل من خذله، وطار ذلك في البلاد، ثم قام على رسول الله - صلى الله عليه وآله - النعمان ابن الحارث الفهري على قعود له [وقال:] (2) يا محمد أمرتنا عن الله عز وجل أن نشهد أن لا إله إلا الله، وأنك محمد رسول الله، فقبلنا ذلك منك، وأمرتنا بالصلاة الخمس فقبلناها منك، وأمرتنا بالزكاة فقبلناها منك، وأمرتنا بالحج فقبلناه منك، وأمرتنا بالجهاد فقبلناه منك، ثم لم ترض حتى نصبت هذا الغلام وقلت: من كنت مولاه فهذا مولاه، هذا شئ منك أو من الله عز وجل؟ فقال - صلى الله عليه وآله -: من (1) الله تعالى. ثم قال للنعمان: والله الذي لا إله إلا هو إن هذا هو من عند الله جل اسمه. فولى [النعمان بن] (2) الحارث يريد راحلته، وهو يقول: اللهم إن كان هذا هو الحق من عندك فأمطر علينا حجارة من السماء أو ائتنا بعذاب أليم، فما وصل إليها حتى أمطره الله عز وجل بحجر على رأسه فقتله، فأنزل الله تعالى {سأل سائل بعذاب واقع} (3).

Monday, July 18, 2022

The Body of the Imam and its Multiplicity of Colors

Abi Ja'far Muhammad Ibn Jarir Ibn Rustam al-Tabari († 941) :

He said: Ahmad Ibn Saleh narrated to me, from Askar the servant of Abi Ja'far Muhammad bin Ali al-Redha [Imam al-Jawad] said: “I entered on him as he was sitting in a vast room that is ten feet long. I stood at the door of the room and said to myself: O Glory be to God! How bright is the tan of my Master and how illuminating is his body! By God! Before I completed what I was saying to myself, his body widened and elongated until he fit the whole room to the ceiling along with all the walls. Then, I saw his color darkened until it became as dark as the night and then it whitened until it became as white as the snow. Then, his color became red like red agate and then it became as green as the greatest leafy branch. Then, his body minimized until he returned the way he was at first and his color returned to its original color. Thus, I passed out due to this wondrous matter that I had seen. He yelled at me and said: O Askar, how much do you doubt us and how much you do you weaken your heart! By God, no one can reach our true reality, except those who have been bestowed upon by God and who God chose and accepted him as our friend. Askar said: So, I promised myself to only think about what I would say.” [Dalail al-Imamah, Page 404]

قال: وحدثني أحمد بن صالح، عن عسكر مولى أبي جعفر محمد بن علي الرضا، قال: دخلت عليه وهو جالس في وسط إيوان له يكون عشرة أذرع (2)، قال: فوقفت بباب الإيوان، وقلت في نفسي: يا سبحان الله، ما أشد سمرة مولاي، وأضوى جسده (3)! قال: فوالله، ما استتممت هذا القول في نفسي حتى عرض في جسده، وتطاول، فامتلأ به الإيوان إلى سقفه مع جوامع حيطانه، ثم رأيت لونه قد أظلم حتى صار كالليل المظلم، ثم ابيض حتى صار كأبيض ما يكون من الثلج الأبيض، ثم احمر فصار (4) كالعلق المحمر، ثم أخضر حتى صار كأعظم شئ يكون في الأعواد المورقة الخضر (5)، ثم تناقص جسده حتى صار في صورته الأولى، وعاد لونه إلى اللون الأول (6) فسقطت لوجهي لهول ما رأيت، فصاح بي: يا عسكر، كم تشكون فينا، وتضعفون قلوبكم، والله لا يصل (7) إلى حقيقة معرفتنا إلا من من الله بنا عليه، وارتضاه لنا وليا. قال عسكر: فآليت أن لا أفكر في نفسي إلا بما ينطق به لساني (8)

Abu Abdillah al-Hussein Ibn Hamdan al-Khasibi († 969) :

From al-Hussein bin Hamdan who said: Ahmad bin Saleh narrated to me from Askar the salve of Abi Ja'far Muhammad bin Ali al-Redha [Imam al-Jawad] who said: “I entered on him as he was sitting in a vast room that is ten feet long. I stood at the door of the room and said to myself: O Glory be to God! How bright is the tan of my Master and how illuminating is his body! By God! Before I completed what I was saying to myself, his body widened and elongated until he fit the whole room to the ceiling along with all the walls. Then, I saw his color darkened until it became as dark as the night and then it whitened until it became as white as the snow. Then, his color became red like the red agate and then it became as green as the greatest leafy branch. Then, his body minimized until he returned the way he was at first and his color returned to its original color. Thus, I passed out due to this wondrous matter that I had seen. He yelled at me and said: O Askar! If you doubt, we shall make you firm, and if you are weak, we shall strengthen you. By God! No one will be able to arrive to the reality of our recognition except the one God has Conferred upon him through us and has Selected him for us as a friend! Askar said: So, I promised myself to only think about what I would say.” [al-Hidayah al-Kubrah, Page 349-350]

عن الحسين بن حمدان قال: حدثني أحمد بن صالح عن عسكر مولى أبي جعفر محمد بن علي الرضا (عليه السلام) قال: دخلت عليه وهو جالس في وسط إيوان له يكون عشرة اذرع في عشرة اذرع فوقفت بباب الإيوان أراه فقلت في نفسي سبحان الله ما أشد سمرة مولاي وأضوأ جسده قال فوالله ما استتممت هذا القول حتى عرض جسده وتطاول وامتلأ به الإيوان إلى سقفه مع جوانب حيطانه ثم رأيت لونه قد أظلم ثم أظلم ثم ابيض ثم صار كأبيض من الثلج ثم احمر ثم صار مثل العقيق المحمر ثم اخضر حتى صار كأغض ما يكون من الأغصان المورقة المخضرة ثم تناقص جسده حتى صار في صورته الأولى وأعاد لونه إلى اللون الأول فسقطت لوجهي لهول ما رأيت فصاح بي يا عسكر تشكون بي فنثبتكم وتضعفون فنقويكم فوالله لا وصل إلى حقيقة معرفتنا الا من من الله بها عليه وارتضيناه لنا وليا قال عسكر فما لبث في نفسي الا ما أظهره لساني وتفوه به جناني.

Ibn Shahrashub († 1192) :

Askar the servant of Abu Ja'far [Imam al-Jawad] said: “I entered to see him. I said within myself, O Glory be to God! How bright is the tan of my Master and how illuminating is his body. He (the narrator) said, By God! The speech had not even completed within myself, until he stood up and presented his body, and filled up the hall with it to the roof, and along with the sides of its walls. Then I saw his color to have darkened until it became like the dark night. Then white, until it became like as white as it can be, more than the snow. Then red, until it became like a blood clot. Then green, until it became like as green as could be from the branches, the green leaves. Then his body waned until it became like its former image and his color returned to the former state, and I fell down to my face from what I had seen. He shouted at me: O Askar! If you doubt, we shall make you firm, and if you are weak, we shall strengthen you. By God! No one will be able to arrive to the reality of our recognition except the one God has Conferred upon him through us and has Selected him for us as a friend![Manaqib Al Abi Talib, Volume 3, Page 493-494]

قَالَ عَسْكَرٌ مَوْلَى أَبِي جَعْفَرٍ عَلَيْهِ السَّلاَمُ : دَخَلْتُ عَلَيْهِ فَقُلْتُ فِي نَفْسِي يَا سُبْحَانَ اَللَّهِ مَا أَشَدَّ سُمْرَةَ مَوْلاَيَ وَ أَضْوَى جَسَدَهُ قَالَ فَوَ اَللَّهِ مَا اِسْتَتْمَمْتُ اَلْكَلاَمَ فِي نَفْسِي حَتَّى تَطَاوَلَ وَ عَرَضَ جَسَدَهُ وَ اِمْتَلَأَ بِهِ اَلْإِيْوَانُ إِلَى سَقْفِهِ وَ مَعَ جَوَانِبِ حِيطَانِهِ ثُمَّ رَأَيْتُ لَوْنَهُ وَ قَدْ أَظْلَمَ حَتَّى صَارَ كَاللَّيْلِ اَلْمُظْلِمِ ثُمَّ اِبْيَضَّ حَتَّى صَارَ كَأَبْيَضِ مَا يَكُونُ مِنَ اَلثَّلْجِ ثُمَّ اِحْمَرَّ حَتَّى صَارَ كَالْعَلَقِ اَلْمُحْمَرِّ ثُمَّ اِخْضَرَّ حَتَّى صَارَ كَأَخْضَرِ مَا يَكُونُ مِنَ اَلْأَغْصَانِ اَلْوَرَقَةِ اَلْخَضِرَةِ ثُمَّ تَنَاقَصَ جِسْمُهُ حَتَّى صَارَ فِي صُورَتِهِ اَلْأُولَى عَادَ لَوْنُهُ اَلْأَوَّلُ وَ سَقَطْتُ لِوَجْهِي مِمَّا رَأَيْتُ فَصَاحَ بِي يَا عَسْكَرُ تَشُكُّونَ فَنُنْبِئُكُمْ وَ تَضْعُفُونَ فَنُقَوِّيكُمْ وَ اَللَّهِ لاَ وَصَلَ إِلَى حَقِيقَةِ مَعْرِفَتِنَا إِلاَّ مَنْ مَنَّ اَللَّهُ عَلَيْهِ وَ اِرْتَضَاهُ لَنَا وَلِيّاً .

Sunday, July 17, 2022

Their Wilayah Benefit the Christian

Al-Sayyid Hashim al-Bahrani († 1696) :

The Story of the Donkey of the Christian and His (as) Knowledge of Ghayb.

Naqib al-Manaqib and Kharaij al-Rawandi: From Hibatullah Ibn Abi Mansur al-Mosuli who said: We had a Christian scribe named Yusuf bin Yaqub in Dayar Rabia, who lived in a house called Kafrtusa. He was very friendly to my father. Once when he arrived as a guest at my father’s, he was asked what the purpose of his journey was.  He said, “I am summoned to Mutawakkil’s court, but I don’t know the reason behind it. I have purchased for myself a hundred gold coins and I will take that amount to Samarra and hand it over to Ali Ibn Muhammad Ibn Ali al-Redha [Imam al-Naqi] as an offering.” “May God increase your good sense (Taufeeq),” said my father. After that he bid farewell to us and went away from there and after some days he returned very elated and joyous. When father asked him to narrate his story, he said: My story in brief is that after I departed from here and went to Samarra, I decided to fulfill my vow before going to Mutawakkil. On the way I learnt that Mutawakkil has banned Imam Ali Naqi (as) from meeting the public and the Imam was in a sort of house arrest. I was also unaware where the Imam lived; it was my first visit to Samarra and I couldn’t risk asking people as they would be suspicious why a Christian wanted to meet the Imam. I pondered on this for sometime then decided to leave the reins of my donkey free. Perhaps he would take me to Imam Ali Naqi (as). So I wrapped the coins in a cloth, concealed them in my sleeve and mounted the donkey. The animal passed through the streets and markets and at last stopped at the door of a house. I tried to urge him on, but he was unmoved. He continued to remain there. I asked a man there, “Whose house is that?” “It belongs to Ali Ibn Muhammad Ibn Ali al-Redha [Imam al-Naqi],” he replied. “God is the greatest,” I thought, “I have reached my destination and this is a sufficient evidence for me.” A black servant emerged from the house and asked, “Are you Yusuf bin Yaqub?” “Yes,” I replied.
“Dismount,” he said. I dismounted. He told me to sit at the threshold and went inside. I thought, ‘This is the second proof.’ The slave came out again and said, “Hand over the hundred gold coins that you have tied up in a cloth concealed in your sleeve.” I gave him the money and thought: This is the third proof. That servant came out once more and asked me to enter. When I went in I found the Imam alone. He glanced at me and said, “What have you decided, Yusuf?” “Maula, I have seen numerous signs which are sufficient to understand.” “You have not accepted Islam as yet while so and so son of yours would soon embrace faith and he would be my true Shia. Yusuf, people imagine that our intercession is of no use to people like you, but by God they have lied! It does benefit the one like you. Now go and meet the one who summoned you. If God wills everything would work out in your favor.” After that I took leave of the Imam and went to Mutawakkil and I communicated to him what I wanted to. Hibtullah says: I met his son after his death. Not only had he embraced Islam, on the contrary he was a good Shia. He told me that his father died on Christianity only, but he embraced Islam after his death. He used to say with pride, “I am the glad tiding of my Maula!” [Madinat al-Ma'ajiz, Volume 5, Page 33-34]

خبر حمار النصراني وعلمه - عليه السلام - بالغائب 2472 / 52 - (ثاقب المناقب) و (خرائج الراوندي): عن هبة الله ابن أبي منصور الموصلي قال: كان بديار ربيعة كاتب لنا نصراني - وكان من أهل كفرتوثا - (2) يسمى يوسف بن يعقوب، وكان بينه وبين والدي صداقة. قال: فوافى فنزل عند والدي، فقال: ما شأنك قدمت في هذا الوقت؟ قال: دعيت إلى حضرة المتوكل ولا أدرى ما يراد منى إلا أنى اشتريت نفسي من الله بمائة دينار [وقد حملتها] (3) لعلي بن محمد بن الرضا - عليه السلام - معي. فقال له والدي: قد وفقت في هذا، قال: وخرج إلى حضرة المتوكل وانصرف الينا بعد أيام قلائل فرحا مستبشرا، فقال له والدي: حدثني حديثك، قال: سرت إلى سر من رأى وما دخلتها قط، فنزلت في دار وقلت: أحب أن أوصل المائة دينار إلى أبو الحسن علي بن محمد بن الرضا - عليهم السلام - قبل مصيري إلى باب المتوكل، وقبل أن يعرف أحد قدومي. قال: فعرفت أن المتوكل قد منعه من الركوب، و أنه ملازم لداره، فقلت: كيف أصنع؟ رجل نصراني يسال عن دار ابن الرضا - عليه السلام -! لا آمن أن ينذر (1) بي فيكون ذلك زيادة فيما أحاذره. قال: ففكرت ساعة في ذلك (الوقت) (2)، فوقع في نفسي أن أركب حماري وأخرج في البلد، ولا أمنعه من حيث يذهب، لعلى أقف على معرفة داره من غير أن أسال أحدا. قال: فجعلت الدنانير في كاغدة و جعلتها في كمي، وركبت فكان الحمار يتخرق الشوارع والأسواق و يمر حيث يشاء إلى أن صرت إلى باب دار، فوقف الحمار فجهدت أن يزول فلم يزل، فقلت للغلام: سل لمن هذه الدار؟ فقيل هذه دار علي بن محمد بن الرضا - عليهم السلام -! فقلت: الله أكبر دلالة والله مقنعة. قال: وإذا خادم أسود قد خرج (من الدار) (3)، فقال: أنت يوسف ابن يعقوب؟ قلت: نعم، قال: انزل، فنزلت فأقعدني في الدهليز ودخل، فقلت في نفسي: وهذه دلالة أخرى من أين عرف هذا الخادم اسمى و اسم أبى وليس في هذا البلد من يعرفني ولا دخلته قط؟! قال: فخرج الخادم فقال: المائة الدينار التي (معك) (4) في كمك في الكاغدة، هاتها فناولته إياها فقلت: وهذه ثالثة، ثم رجع إلى فقال: ادخل، فدخلت [إليه] (1) وهو في مجلسه وحده. فقال: يا يوسف [أما آن لك أن تسلم؟ فقلت: يا مولاي قد بان لي من البراهين ما فيه كفاية لمن اكتفى، فقال: هيهات أما إنك لا تسلم، و لكن سيسلم ولدك فلان وهو من شيعتنا، فقال: يا يوسف] (2) إن أقواما يزعمون أن ولايتنا لا تنفع أمثالك، كذبوا والله إنها لتنفع أمثالك، امض فيما وافيت له، فإنك سترى ما تحب، (وسيولد لك رجل مبارك) (3)، قال: فمضيت إلى باب المتوكل فقلت كل ما أردت وانصرفت. قال هبة الله: فلقيت ابنه بعد موت أبيه وهو مسلم حسن التشيع، فأخبرني أن أباه مات على النصرانية، وأنه أسلم بعد موت والده، و كان يقول: أنا بشارة مولاي - عليه السلام -.

Sheikh Abbas al-Qummi († 1941) :

It is narrated From Hibatullah Ibn Abi Mansur al-Mosuli who said: We had a Christian scribe named Yusuf bin Yaqub in Dayar Rabia, who lived in a house called Kafrtusa. He was very friendly to my father. Once when he arrived as a guest at my father’s, he was asked what the purpose of his journey was.  He said, “I am summoned to Mutawakkil’s court, but I don’t know the reason behind it. I have purchased for myself a hundred gold coins and I will take that amount to Samarra and hand it over to Ali Ibn Muhammad Ibn Ali al-Redha [Imam al-Naqi] as an offering.” “May God increase your good sense (Taufeeq),” said my father. After that he bid farewell to us and went away from there and after some days he returned very elated and joyous. When father asked him to narrate his story, he said: My story in brief is that after I departed from here and went to Samarra, I decided to fulfill my vow before going to Mutawakkil. On the way I learnt that Mutawakkil has banned Imam Ali Naqi (as) from meeting the public and the Imam was in a sort of house arrest. I was also unaware where the Imam lived; it was my first visit to Samarra and I couldn’t risk asking people as they would be suspicious why a Christian wanted to meet the Imam. I pondered on this for sometime then decided to leave the reins of my donkey free. Perhaps he would take me to Imam Ali Naqi (as). So I wrapped the coins in a cloth, concealed them in my sleeve and mounted the donkey. The animal passed through the streets and markets and at last stopped at the door of a house. I tried to urge him on, but he was unmoved. He continued to remain there. I asked a man there, “Whose house is that?” “It belongs to Ali Ibn Muhammad Ibn Ali al-Redha [Imam al-Naqi],” he replied. “God is the greatest,” I thought, “I have reached my destination and this is a sufficient evidence for me.” A black servant emerged from the house and asked, “Are you Yusuf bin Yaqub?” “Yes,” I replied.
“Dismount,” he said. I dismounted. He told me to sit at the threshold and went inside. I thought, ‘This is the second proof.’ The slave came out again and said, “Hand over the hundred gold coins that you have tied up in a cloth concealed in your sleeve.” I gave him the money and thought: This is the third proof. That servant came out once more and asked me to enter. When I went in I found the Imam alone. He glanced at me and said, “What have you decided, Yusuf?” “Maula, I have seen numerous signs which are sufficient to understand.” “You have not accepted Islam as yet while so and so son of yours would soon embrace faith and he would be my true Shia. Yusuf, people imagine that our intercession is of no use to people like you, but by God they have lied! It does benefit the one like you. Now go and meet the one who summoned you. If God wills everything would work out in your favor.” After that I took leave of the Imam and went to Mutawakkil and I communicated to him what I wanted to. Hibtullah says: I met his son after his death. Not only had he embraced Islam, on the contrary he was a good Shia. He told me that his father died on Christianity only, but he embraced Islam after his death. He used to say with pride, “I am the glad tiding of my Maula!” [al-Anwar al-Bahiyah, Page 230-232]

وروي عن هبة الله بن أبي منصور الموصلي أنه قال: كان بديار ربيعة كاتب نصراني وكان من أهل كفر توثا (7) يسمى يوسف بن يعقوب، وكان بينه وبين والدي صداقة، قال: فوافانا فنزل عند والدي، فقلت (8) له: ما شأنك قدمت في هذا الوقت؟ قال: [قد] (9) دعيت إلى حضرة المتوكل، ولا أدري ما يراد مني إلا أني اشتريت نفسي من الله بمائه دينار، وقد حملتها لعلي بن محمد بن الرضا عليهم السلام معي، فقا ل له والدي: قد وفقت في هذا. قال: وخرج إلى حضرة المتوكل وانصرف إلينا بعد أيام قلائل فرحا مستبشرا، فقال له والدي: حدثني حديثك، قال: صرت إلى سر من رأى وما دخلتها قط، فنزلت في دار وقلت أحب أن أوصل المائة الدينار إلى ابن الرضا عليه السلام قبل مصيري إلى باب المتوكل، وقبل أن يعرف أحد قدو مي، قال: فعرفت أن المتوكل قد منعه من الركوب، وأنه ملازم لداره، فقلت: كيف أصنع؟ رجل نصراني يسأل عن دار ابن الرضا عليه السلام؟ لا آمن أن يبدر (1) بي فيكون ذلك زيادة فيما أحاذره. قال: ففكرت ساعة في ذلك، فوقع في قلبي أن أركب حماري وأخرج في البلد، ولا أمنعه من حيث يذهب، لعلي أقف على معرفة داره من غير أن أسأل أحدا، قال: فجعلت الدنانير في كاغذة، وجعلتها في كمي وركبت، فكان الحمار يخترق الشوارع والأسواق يمر حيث يشاء إلى أن صرت إلى باب دار، فوقف الحمار، فجهدت أن يزول فلم يزل، فقلت للغلام: سل لمن هذه الدار؟ فقيل: هذه دار ابن الرضا عليه السلام، فقلت: الله أكبر دلالة [والله] مقنعة. قال: وإذا خادم أسود قد خرج فقال: أنت يوسف بن يعقوب؟ قلت: نعم، قال: انزل، فنزلت فأقعدني في الدهليز ودخل، فقلت في نفسي هذه دلالة أخرى، من أين عرف هذا الغلام (2) اسمي؟ وليس في هذا البلد من يعرفني، ولا دخلته قط؟! [قال] (3): فخرج الخادم، فقال مائة دينار التي في كمك في الكاغذة هاتها!؟ فناولته إياها، فقلت: وهذه ثالثة، ثم رجع إلي، فقال: ادخل، فدخلت إليه وهو في مجلسه وحده، فقال: يا يوسف أما آن لك [أن تسلم] (4)؟ فقلت: يا مولاي قد بان لي من البرهان ما فيه كفاية لمن اكتفى، فقال: هيهات [أما] (5) إنك لا تسلم، ولكن سيسلم ولدك فلان، وهو من شيعتنا، يا يوسف إن أقوانا يزعمون أن ولايتنا لا تنفع أمثالكم (1) كذبوا، والله إنها لتنفع أمثالك، امض فيما وافيت له، فإنك سترى ما تحب وسيولد لك ولد مبارك (2). قال: فمضيت إلى باب المتوكل فنلت (3) كل ما أردت فانصرفت. قال هبة الله: فلقيت ابنه بعد هذا - يعني بعد موت والده - وهو مسلم حسن التشيع، فأخبرني أن أباه مات على النصرانية، وأنه أسلم بعد موت أبيه، وكان يقول: أنا بشارة مولاي عليه السلام (4). 

Sheikh Ali Namazi Shahroudi ( 1985) :

al-Kharaij: Abu al-Hassan al-Hadi (as) said to Yusuf the Christian [al-Nasrani] who visited him: "People imagine that our intercession is of no use to people like you, but by God they have lied! It does benefit the one like you." [Mustadrak Safinat al-Bihar, Volume 10, Page 462]
 الخرائج: قال أبو الحسن الهادي (عليه السلام) ليوسف النصراني الذي زاره: إن أقواما يزعمون أن ولايتنا لا تنفع أمثالكم، كذبوا والله أنها لتنفع أمثالك (3).