Allamah al-Hurr al-'Amili († 1104) :
"Chapter on the Preferability of Naming with Ali.
1- Muhammad bin Ya'qub [Author of al-Kafi] from Muhammad Ibn Yahya has narrated from Ahmad Ibn Muhammad formal-Barqi from ‘Abd al-Rahman Ibn Muhammad al-‘Arzamiy who has said the following: “Mu‘awiyah appointed Marwan ibn al-Hakam as his agent in al-Madinah and ordered him to pay a certain salary to the young people of Quraysh which he did. Ali Ibn al-Husayn (a.s), has said, ‘I went to him and he asked, ‘What is your name?’ I replied, ‘It is Ali ibn al-Husayn.’ He then asked, ‘What is the name of your brother?’ I replied, ‘It is Ali.’ He said, ‘Ali and Ali. Is it that your father does not want to leave any of his children without naming them all Ali?’ He paid me a certain amount. I returned to my father and informed him of what had happened. He (the Imam) said, ‘Woe is upon the son of al-Zarqa’, the leather- treating man. Even if one hundred sons will be born to me I will not give anyone of them any other name except Ali.’” [Wasail al-Shia, Volume 21, Page 395]
25 - باب استحباب التسمية بعلي (27394) 1 - محمد بن يعقوب، عن محمد بن يحيى، عن أحمد بن محمد، عن البرقي، عن عبد الرحمن بن محمد العرزمي قال: استعمل معاوية مروان بن الحكم على المدينة وأمره أن يفرض لشباب قريش، ففرض لهم، فقال علي بن الحسين (عليه السلام): فأتيته فقال: ما اسمك؟ فقلت:
علي بن الحسين، فقال: ما اسم أخيك؟ فقلت: علي، فقال: علي وعلي، ما يريد أبوك أن يدع أحدا من ولده إلا سماه عليا؟! ثم فرض لي، فرجعت إلى أبي فأخبرته، فقال: ويلي على ابن الزرقاء دباغة الادم، لو ولد لي مائة لأحببت أن لا أسمي أحدا منهم إلا عليا.
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