Friday, August 5, 2022

Abu al-Khattab does not Swear Falsely

149 - al-Kharaij – It is reported from Dawood Bin Kathir Al Raqqy who said, ‘I was in the presence of al-Sadiq (as), and Abu al-Khattab, and Abu Abdullah Al-Balkhy, when Kathir Al-Nawaa entered to us and said, ‘Abu al-Khattab, he insults Abu Bakr, and Umar, and Usman, and he dissociate from them!’ al-Sadiq (as) turned to Abu al-Khattab and said: ‘O Muhammad! What are you saying?’ He said, ‘By God, he is lying! They have not been heard at all being insulted from me’. al-Sadiq (as) said: ‘He has sworn, and he does not swear falsely’. He said, ‘He speaks the truth. I did not hear from him, but it was narrated to me by a trustworthy one from him’. al-Sadiq (as) said: ‘And the trusted one does not reach that’. When Kathir Al-Nawa went out, al-Sadiq (as) said: ‘But, by God! Even if Abu al-Khattab had mentioned what Kathir said, he knows from their matter what Kathir does not know. By God! They had both sat in the seat of Amir Al-Mumineen (as), usurping, may God not Forgive them nor Pardon them!’ Abu Abu Abdullah Al-Bajaly was astonished. He looked at al-Sadiq (as) surprised from what he (as) had said regarding them. Al-Sadiq (as) said: ‘You didn’t like what I (as) said about them?’ He said, ‘That has happened!’ al-Sadiq (as) said: ‘So why wasn’t there a dislike from you on the night so and so, son of so and so Al-Balkhy handed over a slave girl to you in order to sell her? When you crossed the river, you spread her bed in the base of the tree’. Al-Balkhy said, ‘By God! More than twenty years have passed for this event, and I have already repented to God from that!’ al-Sadiq (as) said: ‘Although you repented, but God did not Turn to you, and God is Angered for the owner of the slave girl’. Then he rode, and Al-Balkhy travelled with him. When he had gone out, al-Sadiq (as) said: ‘And I (as) have heard the voice of donkeys. The inhabitants of the Fire are being hurt by them (Abu Bakr and Umar), and by their voices, like what you tend to be hurt by the voice (braying) of donkeys’. When we went out to the desert. There we were by a deep well. Then al-Sadiq (as) turned to Al-Balkhy. He (as) said: ‘Quench us from this well!’ Al-Balkhy approached, then said, ‘This is a well of a far bottom. I do not see any water in it’. al-Sadiq (as) went ahead and said: ‘O you well! The hearing, the obedient to its Lord! Quench us from the water God has Made to be in you!’ We looked at the water rising from the well. We drank from it. The he (as) travelled until he (as) ended to a place wherein was a dried palm tree. We went near it. He (as) said: ‘O you palm tree! Feed us from what God has Made to be in you!’ Fresh dates fell scattering. Then he (as) went, and I turned around, but could not see anything. Then they travelled, and there we were with an antelope coming, wagging its tail, coming over to al-Sadiq (as), and it snorted. He (as) said: ‘I (as) shall do so if God so Desires’. The antelope left. Al-Balkhy said, ‘We have seen a wonder. What did the antelope ask you?’ He (as) said: ‘It should rescue with me (as) and informed me (as) that one of the hunters of Medina had hunted his wife, and there were two young cubs for her, and he asked me (as) if I (as) could buy her and free her to him. So I (as) guaranteed that for him’. And he (as) faced the Qiblah and supplicated and said: ‘The Praise is for God, a lot, like what He is rightful of, and its deserving’. And he (as) recited: Or are they envying the people upon what God has Given them from His Grace? [4:54]. Then he (as) said: ‘By God! We (as) are the envied ones’. Then he (as) left and we were with him (as). He (as) bought the deer and freed her. Then he (as) said: ‘Neither broadcast it nor discuss with it in the presence of other than its rightful ones, for the broadcaster of our (as) secrets is severer upon us (as) than our (as) enemies are!’[Bihar al-Anwar, Volume 47, Page 111-113]

149 - الخرائج: روي عن داود بن كثير الرقي قال: كنت عند الصادق عليه السلام وأبو الخطاب، والمفضل، وأبو عبد الله البلخي إذ دخل علينا كثير النوا وقال: إن أبا الخطاب هو يشتم أبا بكر وعمر وعثمان ويظهر البراءة منهم، فالتفت الصادق عليه السلام إلى أبي الخطاب وقال: يا محمد ما تقول؟ قال: كذب والله ما سمع قط شتمهما مني فقال الصادق عليه السلام: قد حلف ولا يحلف كاذبا، فقال: صدق لم أسمع أنا منه، ولكن حدثني الثقة به عنه قال الصادق عليه السلام: وإن الثقة لا يبلغ ذلك فلما خرج كثيرا النوا قال الصادق عليه السلام: أما والله لئن كان أبو الخطاب ذكر ما قال كثير، لقد علم من أمرهم ما لم يعلمه كثير، والله لقد جلسا مجلس أمير المؤمنين عليه السلام غصبا فلا غفر الله لهما، ولا عفا عنهما، فبهت أبو عبد الله البلخي، فنظر إلى الصادق عليه السلام متعجبا مما قال فيهما، فقال الصادق عليه السلام: أنكرت ما سمعت فيهما؟ قال: كان ذلك، قال الصادق عليه السلام: فهلا كان الانكار منك ليلة دفع إليك فلان بن فلان البلخي جاريته فلانة لتبيعها فلما عبرت النهر افترشتها في أصل شجرة؟! فقال البلخي: قد مضى والله لهذا الحديث أكثر من عشرين سنة، ولقد تبت إلى الله من ذلك، فقال الصادق عليه السلام: لقد تبت وما تاب الله عليك، ولقد غضب الله لصاحب الجارية، ثم ركب وسار البلخي معه، فلما برز قال الصادق عليه السلام وقد سمع صوت حمار: إن أهل النار يتأذون بهما وبأصواتهما، كما تتأذون بصوت الحمار فلما برزنا إلى الصحراء فإذا نحن بجب كبير (1). ثم التفت الصادق عليه السلام إلى البلخي فقال: اسقنا من هذا الجب، فدنا البلخي ثم قال: هذا جب بعيد القعر، لا أرى ماءا به فتقدم الصادق عليه السلام فقال: أيها الجب السامع المطيع لربه اسقنا مما جعل الله فيك من الماء بإذن الله فنظرنا الماء يرتفع من الجب فشربنا منه، ثم سار حتى انتهى إلى موضع فيه نخلة يابسة، فدنا منها فقال: أيتها النخلة أطعمينا مما جعل الله فيك، فانتثرت رطبا جنيا. ثم جاء فالتفت فلم ير فيها شيئا، ثم سارا فإذا نحن بظبي قد أقبل يبصبص بذنبه، قد أقبل إلى الصادق عليه السلام وينغم (2) فقال: أفعل إن شاء الله، فانصرف الظبي فقال البلخي: لقد رأينا عجبا فما سألك الظبي؟ قال: استجار بي الظبي، وأخبرني أن بعض من يصيد الظباء بالمدينة صاد زوجته، وأن لها خشفين (3) صغيرين وسألني أن أشتريها، وأطلقها إليه، فضمنت له ذلك، واستقبل القبلة ودعا، وقال: الحمد لله كثيرا كما هو أهله ومستحقه، وتلا " أم يحسدون الناس على ما آتيهم الله من فضله " (4) ثم قال: نحن والله المحسودون ثم انصرف ونحن معه، فاشترى الظبية وأطلقها، ثم قال: لا تذيعوا سرنا، ولا تحدثوا به عند غير أهله، فان المذيع سرنا أشد علينا من عدونا .

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