Wednesday, July 31, 2024

The Prohibition Of Rejecting Narrations

Al-Husayn ibn Shihab al-Din al-Karaki al-Amili (d. 1665) :

"In the Prohibition of Rejecting and Denying Reports Attributed to the Imams (peace be upon them) Even if Their Narrators Are Unreliable

Al-Kulayni narrated in the chapter on concealment from Abu Ubaydah Al-Hadhdha, who said: I heard Abu Ja'far (peace be upon him) say: "By Allah, the most beloved of my companions to me are the most pious, the most understanding, and the most concealing of our traditions. And the worst in my view, and the most detested, are those who, when they hear a narration attributed to us and narrated from us, do not understand it, and thus recoil from it, reject it, and disbelieve in those who follow it, without knowing that perhaps the narration has indeed come from us and is attributed to us. By doing so, they exit from our guardianship."

Al-Saduq narrated in "Al-Khisal" a part of a narration from the Commander of the Faithful (peace be upon him), who said: "If you hear from our narration what you do not recognize, then return it to us and stop at it, and submit until the truth becomes clear to you."

Al-Barqi narrated in "Al-Mahasin" from Abu Basir, from Abu Ja'far or Abu Abdullah (peace be upon them), who said: "Do not deny a narration brought to you by a Murji’ite, a Qadari, or a Haruri, attributing it to us. For you do not know, perhaps it contains some truth, and you would then be denying Allah above His Throne."

Qutb al-Din al-Rawandi narrated in the treatise he authored to explain the states of our narrations, that Imam al-Sadiq (peace be upon him) said: "Do not deny a narration brought by a Murji’ite, a Qadari, or a Kharijite, attributing it to us. For you do not know, perhaps it contains some truth, and you would be denying Allah."

In the last part of the book "Al-Sara’ir," which he transmitted from the book "Masaa’il al-Rijal" from al-Hadi (peace be upon him), Muhammad ibn Isa said: I asked him about the knowledge transmitted to us from your forefathers, which differs among us. What should we do? Should we act upon its differences, or refer to you regarding what is different? He wrote: "Whatever you know to be our saying, adhere to it, and whatever you do not know, return it to us."

In the book "Basair al-Darajat al-Kabir" by Muhammad ibn al-Hasan al-Saffar, it is narrated: Ahmad ibn Muhammad narrated to us from al-Hasan ibn Mahbub from Jamil ibn Salih from Abu Ubaydah al-Hadhdha from Abu Ja'far (peace be upon him), who said: "By Allah, the most beloved of my companions to me are the most pious, the most understanding, and the most concealing of our traditions. And the worst in my view, and the most detested, are those who, when they hear a narration attributed to us and narrated from us, do not accept it, recoil from it, reject it, and disbelieve in those who follow it, without knowing that perhaps the narration has indeed come from us and is attributed to us. By doing so, they exit from our guardianship."

Al-Haytham al-Nahdi narrated to us from Muhammad ibn Umar ibn Yazid from Yunus from Abu Ya'qub Ishaq ibn Abdullah from Abu Abdullah (peace be upon him), who said: "Indeed, Allah, the Blessed and Exalted, has specified His servants with two verses from His Book: that they do not speak until they know, and that they do not reject what they do not know. Indeed, Allah, the Blessed and Exalted, says: 'Was not the covenant of the Book taken from them that they would not say about Allah except the truth?' And He says: 'Nay, they have denied that the knowledge of which they did not encompass and whose interpretation has not yet come to them.'"

Muhammad ibn Isa narrated to us from Muhammad ibn Umar from Abdan Jundub from Sufyan ibn al-Samt, who said: I said to Abu Abdullah (peace be upon him): May I be your ransom, a man comes to us from your side and tells us significant things, which constrict our chests so that we disbelieve in them. He said: "Does he not narrate to you from me?" I said: Yes. He said: "Does he say that night is day and day is night?" I said: No. He said: "Then return it to us, for if you deny, you are denying us."

Muhammad ibn al-Husayn narrated to us from Muhammad ibn Isma'il from Hamzah ibn Bazi' from Ali al-Sa'i, from Abu al-Hasan (peace be upon him), who wrote to him in his letters: "Do not say about what reaches you from us or is attributed to us that it is false, even if you know it to be contrary, for you do not know why we said it and in what manner we described it."

Ahmad ibn Muhammad ibn Isma'il narrated to us from Ja'far ibn Bashir from Abu Basir from Abu Ja'far (peace be upon him) or from Abu Abdullah (peace be upon him), who said: "Do not deny a narration brought to you by anyone, for you do not know, perhaps it is part of the truth, and you would be denying Allah above His Throne."

I say, the meaning of these noble narrations and those similar to them is that when a person hears a narration from the family of Muhammad (peace be upon them) that contradicts his opinion or what has been narrated from them in its meaning, or if he does not comprehend its meaning either due to its complexity, or his lack of understanding, or its inconsistency with reason or goodness, he should not hastily deny and reject it. Rather, if he sees a correct aspect or a close interpretation, he should accept it. Otherwise, he should remain silent without accepting or rejecting it, as it might have been reported for a matter that his mind cannot grasp or for a reason that is not apparent to him, such as dissimulation or other reasons.

Shaykh al-Mufid (may Allah be pleased with him) said in "Al-Masa'il al-'Akbariyyah": "The statements of the Imams (peace be upon them) were issued in accordance with apparent matters, which agree with the reality of the situation and contain what appears to contradict their reality due to dissimulation and necessity. Among them are those whose appearance indicates obligation and enforcement, while in reality, they are recommendations and encouragement. Some are general intended to be specific, and some are specific intended to be general. Their apparent meaning is metaphorical, not to be taken literally, and a suggestion to reconcile and maintain bloodshed. This is not surprising from them, nor is it unprecedented. The Qur'an, which is the word of Allah, the Almighty, contains healing and clarity, yet its apparent meanings differ, and people vary in understanding its meanings." He ended his words.

And their intent is merely to give an example to remove doubt for those confused by the differences in our narrations. Otherwise, the Qur'an was revealed to Muhammad and his family (peace be upon them), and it is clear and evident to them without any differences. Rather, its differences are apparent to us, and we are commanded to refer to them in its interpretation and understanding its intended meanings.

Know that the differences in narrations that cause confusion were mostly in the ancient books circulated in his time (may Allah be pleased with him). He and his likes among the prominent scholars understood each narration in its context. The confusion occurs for the common people and those who follow their example among the imitators and the literalists. As for the books that have reached us, especially the "Four Books," their authors (may Allah be pleased with them) exerted their utmost effort in refining, documenting, and clarifying their problems. They did not narrate a problematic narration without providing its clarification, either through another narration or through the results of their thoughts, showing us the way to follow them and be guided by their lights. Except for some matters awaiting the clarification from the Mahdi Imams (peace be upon him) due to the non-appearance of their intended meaning for us, such as the "Hadith of Names" in the "Usul al-Kafi" and the "Hadith of the Height of Adam and Eve" in "Al-Rawdah" and others. They transmitted them as they were to educate us in their manners and to remain silent about what they remained silent about, without burdening ourselves with understanding what is beyond our grasp. From Allah is the success. On Him, I rely." [Hidayat al-Abrar, Page 89-93]

في النهي عن رد الأخبار المنسوبة الي الأيمة (ع) وتكذيبها وإن كان راويها ممن لا يوثق [به].

روي الكيني في باب الكتمان عن أبي عبيدة الحذا قال سمعت أبا جعفر(ع) يقول: «والله إن أحب اصحابي إلي أورعهم وأفقههم وأكتمهم لحديثنا وإن أسواهم عندي حالاً وأمقتهم الذي أذا سمع الحديث ينسب الينا ويروي عنا فلم يعقله اشماز منه وجحده وكفر من دان به وهو لا يدري لعل الحديث من عندنا خرج والينا أسند فيكون بذلك خارجاً من ولايتنا».

وروي الصدوق في «الخصال» من جملة حديث عن أميرلمؤمنين«ع» قال: «اذا سمعتم من حديثنا ما لا تعرفون فردوه الينا وقفوا عنده وسلموا حتي يتبين لكم الحق».

وروي البرقي في «المحاسن» عن أبي بصير عن أبي جعفر أو أبي عبدالله «ع» قال: «لا تكذبوا بحديث أتاكم به مرجيء ولاقدري ولا حروري ينسبه إلينا فانكم لاتدرون لعله شيء من الحق فيكذب الله فوق عرشه».

وروي قطب الدين الراوندي في الرسالة التي ألفها لبيان أحوال أحاديث أصحابنا قال قال الصادق«ع»: «لاتكذبوا بحديث أتي به مرجيء ولا قدري ولا خارجي فنسبه إلينا فانكم لاتدرون لعله شيء من الحق فتكذبوا بالله».

وفي آخر كتاب السرائر مما نقله من كتاب مسائل الرجال عن الهادي«ع» محمد بن عيسي قال سألته عن العلم المنقول إلينا عن آبائك وأجدادك«ع» قد إختلف علينا فكيف نصنع؟ أنعمل به علي إختلافه؟ أو نرد إليك فيما أختلف فيه؟.

فكتب «ما علمتهم أنه قولنا فالزموه وما لم تعلموهم فردوه إلينا».

وفي كتاب «بصائر الدرجات الكبير» لمحمد بن الحسن الصفار قال: حدثنا أحمد بن محمد عن الحسن بن محبوب عن جميل بن صالح عن أبي عبيدة الحذا عن أبي جعفر«ع» قال سمعته يقول: «أما والله إن أحب أصحابي إلي أوردعهم وأفقههم وأكتمهم لحديثنا وإن أسواهم عندي حالاً وأمقتهم إلي الذي اذا سمع الحديث ينسب الينا ويروي عنا ولم يقبله أشماز منه وجحده وكفر من دان به وهو لايدري لعل الحديث من عندناخرج والينا أسند فيكون بذلك خارجاً من ولايتنا».

حدثنا الهيثم النهدي عن محمد بن عمر بن يزيد عن يونس عن أبي يعقوب إسحاق بن عبدالله عن أبي عبدالله«ع» قال: «إن الله تبارك و تعالي خص عباده بآيتين من كتابه أن لا يقولوا حتي يعلموا ولا يردوا ما لم يعلموا إن الله تبارك و تعالي يقول – ألم يؤخذ عليهم ميثاق الكتاب أن لا يقولوا علي الله إلا الحق – وقال: – بل كذبوا بما لم يحيطوا بعلمه ولما يأتهم تأويله -».

حدثنا محمد بن عيسي عن محمد بن عمر عن عبد ب جندب عن سفيان بن السمط قال قلت لأبي عبدالله«ع» جعلت فداك إن الرجل ليأتينا من قبلك فيخبرنا عنده بالعظيم من الأمر فتضيق بذلك صدورنا حتي نكذبه قال: فقال أبو عبدالله «ع» أليس عني يحدثكم.

قال: قلت بلي قال: فيقول لليل أنه نهار وللنهار أنه ليل. قال فقلت له. لا. فقال ردوه الينا فانك إن كذبت فانما تكذبنا».

حدثنا محمد بن الحسين عن محمد بن إسماعيل عن حمزه بن بزيع عن علي السائي عن أبي الحسن «عليه السلام» أنه كتب اليه في رسالاته : «ولا تقل لما بلغك عنا أو نسب الينا هذا باطل وإن كنت تعرفه خلافه فانك لاتدري لم قلنا وعلي أي وجه وصفه. 

حدثنا أحمد بن محمد بن اسماعيل عن جعفر بن بشير عن أبي بصير عن أبي جعفر«ع» أو عن أبي عبدالله«ع» قال: «لا تكذبوا بحديث اتاكم به أحد فانكم لاتدرون لعله من الحق فتكذبوا الله فوق عرشه».

أقول المراد من هذه الأحاديث الشريفة وما في معناها أن الانسان اذا سمع حديثاً عن آل محمد«ع» وكان مخالفاً لرأيه وهوأه أو لما روي عنهم«ع» في معناه أو لم يدرك له معناً محصلاً إما لا شكاله او لقصور الفهم عنه او لعدم موافقته للعقل او الحسن فلا يسارع اليت كذيبه ورده بل إن رأي له جهاً صحيحاً او تأويلاً قريباً حمله عليه وإلا سكت عنه من غير قبولولارد لامكان وروده علي إمر لايحتمله عقله أو سبب لم يظهر له وجهه من تقية أو غيرها.

قال الشيخ المفيد – ره – في «المسائل العكبرية» إن اقوال الأيمة (ع) كانت تخرج علي ظاهر يوافق باطنه الأمر من العواقب ويخرج منها ما ظاهره خلاف باطنه للتقية والاضطرار، ومنها ما ظاهره (الايجاب والالزام وهو في نفسه ندب ونقل وأستحباب) ومنها ما ظاهره نقل وندب وهو علي الوجوب، ومنها عام يرادبه الخصوص وخاص يراد به العموم وظاهره مستعار في غير ما وضع له حقيقة الكلام وتعريض في القول للاستطلاح والمدارة وحقن الدماء وليس ذلك بعجب منهم ولابدع والقرآن الذي هو كلام الله عزوجل وفيه الشفاء والبيان قد اختلف ظواهره وتباين الناس في اعتبار معانيه انتهي كلامه.

ومرادهمجردالتمثيل لدفع شبهة من تحصل له الحيرة في اختلاف أحاديثنا وإلا فالقرآن إنما نزل علي محمد وآله (ع) وهو عندهم وأضح مبين لا إختلاف فيه وانما إختلافه ظاهر بالنسبة‌الينا ونحن مأمورون بالرجوع اليهم في تفسيره وتأويله ومعرفةالمراد منه.

وأعلم أن اختلاف الأحاديث الموجب للحيرة إنما كان عظمه في الكتب القديمة المتداولة في زمانه – ره – وكان [هو] أمثاله من فحول العلماء يعرفون كلاً علي وجهه وإنما تحصل الحيرة فيه للعوام ومن جري مجراهم من المقلدة والحشوية وأما الكتب التي وصلت الينا خصوصاً «الأربعة» فان مؤلفيها – ره – بذلوا جهدهم في تهذيبها وضبطها وبيان مشكلاتها فلم يرووا حديثاً مشكلاً إلا وفي مقابله ما يوضحه إما من الحديث أو من نتائج أفكارهم وبينوا لنا طريق ذلك لنقتدي بهم ونهتدي بأنوارهم اللهم إلا أشياء موقوفة علي التوقيف من أيمة المهدي – ع – لعدم ظهور المراد منها لنا نحو «حديث الأسماء» في أصول الكافي، وحديث «طول آدم وحواء» في الروضة، وغير ذلك. فانهم نقلوها كما هي لنتأدب بآدابهم ونسكت عما سكتوا عنه ولا نكلف أنفسنا فهمما يعجز عن أدراكه ومن الله التوفيق. (عليه توكلت) .

Abu Qasim al-Khoei † 1992 :

3441 - Al-Husayn ibn Shihab al-Din:

Shaykh al-Hurr in "Amal al-Amil" (66) said: "Shaykh Husayn ibn Shihab al-Din ibn al-Husayn ibn Muhammad (ibn Husayn) ibn Haydar al-Amili al-Karaki al-Hakim: He was a knowledgeable, virtuous, skilled, literary, poet, and writer among the contemporaries. He had authored several books, including a large commentary on Nahj al-Balagha, 'Uqud al-Durar fi Hall Abiyat al-Mutawwal wa al-Mukhtasar, a commentary on Al-Mutawwal, a large book on medicine, a concise book on medicine, a commentary on Al-Baydawi, treatises on medicine and other subjects, 'Hidayat al-Abrar fi Usul al-Din,' 'Mukhtasar al-Aghani,' 'Kitab al-Is'af,' 'Risalah fi Tariqat al-Amal,' his Diwan of poetry, (and an Urjuza in grammar and an Urjuza in logic) and others.

He had excellent and fine poetry, especially his eulogies for the Ahl al-Bayt (peace be upon them). He resided in Isfahan for a period, then in Hyderabad for years, and died there. He was eloquent, quick-witted, a speaker, a wise man, with good thoughts, great memory, and recall. He died in 1076 AH at the age of 64 years.

Sayyid Ali ibn Mirza Ahmad mentioned him in 'Sulafat al-Asr' and praised him greatly. Among what he said about him was: 'A mountain firmly established in the seat of knowledge and deeply rooted, erasing the lines of ignorance with what he wrote and copied. With him, the hadith of virtue elevated his leaders, and with literature, he strengthened and supported them. I saw him and found him unique in virtues, solitary, perfect in every aspect, where perfection did not stray from him. He deserved the gifts, and pledges were made to him. He surpassed his predecessors, and his contemporaries acknowledged his excellence, so much so that none saw his equal in diligence in spreading knowledge, reviving it, and his keenness on gathering its means and acquiring its tools. Furthermore, his skin was rich with literature, with abundant rain...

He then continued praising him extensively, mentioning some of his aforementioned works, and recited a lot of his poetry." [Mu'jam Rijal al-Hadith, Volume 6, Page 296]

3441 - الحسين بن شهاب الدين:

قال الشيخ الحر في أمل الآمل (66): " الشيخ حسين بن شهاب الدين ابن الحسين بن محمد (بن حسين) بن حيدر العاملي الكركي الحكيم: كان عالما، فاضلا، ماهرا، أديبا، شاعرا، منشئا، من المعاصرين، له كتب منها شرح نهج البلاغة كبير، وعقود الدرر في حل أبيات المطول والمختصر، وحاشية المطول، وكتاب كبير في الطب، وكتاب مختصر فيه، وحاشية البيضاوي، ورسائل في الطب وغيره، وهداية الأبرار في أصول الدين، ومختصر الأغاني، وكتاب الإسعاف، ورسالة في طريقة العمل، وديوان شعره (وأرجوزة في النحو وأرجوزة في المنطق) وغير ذلك.

وله شعر حسن جيد خصوصا مدائحه لأهل البيت عليهم السلام، سكن إصفهان مدة ثم حيدر آباد سنين ومات بها، وكان فصيح اللسان، حاضر الجواب متكلما، حكيما، حسن الفكر، عظيم الحفظ والاستحضار. توفي في سنة 1076 وكان عمره 64 سنة.

وذكره السيد علي ابن ميرزا أحمد في سلافة العصر وأكثر مدحه، فمما قال فيه:

طود رسا في مقر العلم ورسخ، ونسخ خطة الجهل بما خط ونسخ علا به من حديث الفضل أساده وأقوى به من الأدب أقواؤه وسناده. رأيته فرأيت منه فردا في الفضائل وحيدا، وكاملا لا يجد الكمال عنه محيدا، تحل له الحبى وتعقد عليه الخناصر، أوفى على من قبله وبفضله اعترف المعاصر، حتى لم ير مثله في الجد على نشر العلم وإحياء مواته وحرصه على جمع أسبابه وتحصيل أدواته.. ومع ذلك فقد طوى أديمه من الأدب على أغزر ديمه..

ثم أطال في مدحه، وذكر بعض مؤلفاته السابقة، وذكر من شعره شيئا كثيرا

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