Monday, August 19, 2013

Re: The ideal wives

'Ali Ibn al-Hassan Ibn Fadhal from Muhammad Ibn Abdallah Ibn Zurara from al-Hassan Ibn 'Ali from 'Ali Ibn 'Uquba from Buraid al-'Ijli from Abi Ja'far (as) who said, Rasululah (saw) said, "He who marries a woman for her beauty, he will see in her what he does not like; and he who marries a woman because of her wealth, Allah will leave his sustenance in her hands, so you should marry religious women."
علي بن الحسن بن فضال عن محمد بن عبد الله بن زرارة عن الحسن بن علي عن علي بن عقبة عن بريد العجلي عن أبي جعفر عليه السلام قال : قال رسول الله صلى الله عليه وآله : من تزوج امرأة لا يتزوجها إلا لجمالها لم ير فيها ما يحب ، ومن تزوجها لمالها لا يتزوجها إلا له وكله الله إليه ، فعليكم بذات الدين .
- Tahdhib al-Ahkam, Vol.7, Page 399

'Allamah Baqir al-Majlissi: Muwathaq (i.e. all of its narrators are Thiqa 'trustworthy')

He (al-Majlissi) also say: It's a proof of the 'Karaha' (being "makrooh") of marrying the woman for her money or her beauty, and Istihbab (being "mustahhab") (of marrying such a woman who) takes care of her religious morals such as righteousness and chastity, etc.
ويدل علی كراهة تزويج المرأة للمال والجمال ، واستحباب رعاية الأمور الدينية، كالصلاح والعفاف و نحو ذلك

- Miladh al-Akhir fi Fahm Tahdhib al-Akhbar, Vol.12, Page 319

And from him, from 'Ali from his father and Muhammad Ibn Isma'il from al-Fadl Ibn Shathan, all of them from Ibn Abi 'Umayr from Hisham Ibn al-Hakam from Abi 'Abdillah (as) who said, "If a man marries a woman for her beauty or her wealth, he will be left with that(i.e. because he trusted wealth and beauty and not God, therefore Allah will leave his orders in what he has trusted). But if he married her for her religion, Allah shall give him the beauty and the sustenance too."
وعنه عن علي عن أبيه ومحمد بن إسماعيل عن الفضل ابن شاذان جميعا عن ابن أبي عمير عن هشام بن الحكم عن أبي عبد الله عليه السلام قال : إذا تزوج الرجل المرأة لجمالها أو مالها وكل إلى ذلك ، وان تزوجها لدينها رزقة الله عز وجل الجمال والمال
- Tahdhib al-Ahkam, Vol.7, Page 403

'Allamah Baqir al-Majlissi: Muwathaq Kal-Sahih (i.e. all of its narrators are Thiqa 'trustworthy' and it is to the degree of authentic)

- Miladh al-Akhir fi Fahm Tahdhib al-Akhbar, Vol.12, Page 331

Fatwas of contemporary scholars

It should not be considered in the selection of women to choose only for the beauty and sustenance.
ينبغى أن لا يكون النظر فى اختيار المرأة مقصورا على الجمال و المال

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